View Full Version : do any of you raise crickets?

11-06-03, 04:24 PM
if so, do you think it is worth it to raise them for food? i am considering this, as crix are 10 cents each. i wonder how fast they grow and about how many will be produced...Thanks.. Colleen

11-06-03, 04:42 PM
do any of you raise crickets?


11-06-03, 06:09 PM
Personally i dont but i guess its worth it, check out this page.


11-24-03, 11:18 AM
it probably isn't worth raising them unless you have numerous lizards. when they breed they lay TONS of eggs

11-24-03, 11:36 AM
even using about 1200 feeder mice and rats a year I could not produce them as cheaply as I could buy them in bulk even with shipping. As few crickets as I use just the enclosure would be worth more than a years worth of crix would cost.

12-01-03, 07:49 PM
yes i do, its easy to breed, and get babys but hard to raise, im still working on my small little colony right now


12-01-03, 07:56 PM
if u have them at liek 30 C they grow really fast. within a couple weeks they are feedign size. after eggs are layed takes like 10 days to hatch. kind of a hassle though. have to spray babys to keep them moist. unless u have at least 3 or 4 herps its nto worth it. remember after yoru herps are full grown most appitites go down

12-01-03, 07:58 PM
Ya true i just do this for fun, and i got a baby cham, so one there a like 1/8 then there gonna be feed to him:)


12-01-03, 08:20 PM
When I had some geckos with small hatchling sizes I hatched my own crickets. It wasn't too hard. I wouldn't have the patience to grow them up, though.
I'm quite certain you could find an online supplier to get cheaper crickets from.

12-01-03, 11:28 PM
ya true


12-01-03, 11:40 PM
yea if u need pin heads i reccomend it. buying pinheads fro liek 10cents a pop makes no sense.

12-02-03, 12:15 AM
crix take sooo much cleaning cause they smell HORRIBLE i've thought of breeding them but then i think of the smell and my fear of insects.

12-02-03, 12:31 AM
never had a smell problem. its all about controllign the moister. adn lots of air flow.

12-02-03, 08:47 AM
Thanks. i got 30 adult size crix yesterday, put them intoo a large rubbermaid(clear ) container and it has screen glued to the top for better air flow. i have a dish of soil in there, slightly moistened, and a bunch of different types of food, including gut load. they were chirping all day and night. they are in the basement, which is not damp, but a heat pad under the soil and that end of the container. Hopefully they will lay eggs and i can put the soil in a hatching container. Wish me luck.