View Full Version : Gus again lol

11-06-03, 12:56 PM
Hello. Well Gus is still being over active and over friendly. I guess not over friendly but all he wants to do is sit on me or walk around on his own, ALL DAY.

The other morning I woke up to find him escaped from his cage in the night, sitting on my tarantula tanks. If I walk by the cage he begs to come out like MAD!

My concern now is he isn't eating or drinking really. He had two mealworms last week but this entire week all crickets are being ignored. When should I worry? He looks healthy and like I said, is very active. We also pinned him down at turning 6 in 2004, does age have anything to do with this stuff?

Pic from yesterday when I caught him climbing on the couch:
<img src="http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/Reptiles/gus/gusnovember03.jpg">
Same day, he was trying to climb up to where my shoulders were and decided to use the bookcase! Not very safe! He almost fell off but was determined and after this unfortunatly it was back to the cage!
<img src="http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/Reptiles/gus/2gusnovember03.jpg">

Anyways any ideas on when i should be worried are good.

11-06-03, 01:10 PM
I dunno... but I would personally check him out at a vet. Is he pooping?

I like those pics.... his head looks huge in the second one.

11-06-03, 03:41 PM
lol ya i have to agree with j-man his head does look huge!, looks healthy to me. ya i would also like to know when was the last time it pooped?


11-06-03, 03:49 PM
I dont think there is anything to worrie about some times my guys will aout of the blue get anncy both the veilds and the panthers some times i feel like im keeping them in jail asside form keeping an eye to conferm that everything with him is normal asside frome his new attatude i wouldent worrie. let him out and when he is bad put him back lol thats what i do lol...

he is has amazing colors and i love when males get that strong jaw bone lol bet my female would like him lol...

11-06-03, 03:59 PM
He has been going to the bathroom and went about 2-3 days after he last ate. Its not really the activity I am worried about, but the not eating.


11-06-03, 04:01 PM
Don't know anything about chameleons, but, he is awesome!!!!

11-06-03, 05:19 PM
Well about the eating hummm mabey is is bored of crix have u tryed something new on him? It could be his age but i doubt that, sorry whish i could be more help...

11-06-03, 05:23 PM
Is gud visable to crikets all day? If so then that could be the reason, i heard if they see crikets 24/7 they wont eat them anymore they start to lose intrest, just a thought


11-06-03, 06:14 PM
I read in a cham book that sometimes chams go on hunger strikes but if they maintain good weight, you shouldn't worry about it. Try some silkworms, thats what i did when my cham stopped eating crix. Sounds like you have a very friendly veild, most that i seen go nuts whenever held. Good luck!!!


11-06-03, 11:42 PM
I agree with CDN...

Probably nothing to worry about and I'm glad to hear he's pooping. That's a good sign. And, yeah I second that you should try different types of food.

11-07-03, 01:59 PM
i would get worried after the 2nd week. I have so called "hunger-strikes" all the time. It may be that they are over-loaded with minerals and vitamins from the dusting, and their bodies tell them not to seek more. Do you dust at every feeding? If he dosn't eat and you want to get him to, I learned that baby food (beef in broth, or chicken in broth) is really good. The protein takes longer to digest/process into useful compounds so it isn't in-and-out so quick. And its easy on the stomach. It was compared to wanting chicken soup only when you are sick. You know, when you do not have an appetite for anything. I imagine the chameleons are feeling the same.
But you should ask yourself, is this an effect of something in his environment? Behaviorally, as was mentioned before, or physically as in not the right amounts of uv/humidity. Maybe it's time to change your lights?
As for the roaming thing, that is perfectly normal for male species. And for a 6 year old, thats great. My 5 year old is a lump on a log. (Great for taking to reptile shows for showing everyone!)