View Full Version : Derrick's removed thread.....

11-06-03, 03:28 AM
I made a post here earlier and the "GENERAL DISCUSSION" section that was deleted. Why? If your going to delete peoples post it would be nice to get a damn PM to let me know what friggin rule I broke so it doesent happen again. It was no way offensive and didnt deal with any of the "BANNED TOPICS" So what the hell????

Ha ha I removed it because you swore no less than 4 times!!! Ha ha, No swearing. Its in the rules. I don't make them up. Believe me, I swear all the time, but not here. And if I do, I hope my post gets removed because of it.

Sorry man, rules are rules. I think everyone agrees though that they don't want to see swearing here at ssnakess.com.

11-06-03, 06:04 AM
I'd be happy if I didn't see you here either pretty boy! Say where is magnum any way?

11-06-03, 08:12 AM
hehe Jeff ya I talked to Matt_k No biggie. I guess I mis-spelt my swear words so the auto censor didnt pick them up and i never even thought to reread it. A little PM would have been nice just to let me know. Although I did intend to swear I also entended for that **** :) to be censored.

11-06-03, 10:24 AM
Can I still tell you that you suck, Favelle?


11-06-03, 11:52 AM
A little PM would have been nice just to let me know. Although I did intend to swear I also entended for that **** to be censored.

Late for work that morning and I was just quickly doing my duty as a mod. I felt that PMing you was not worth losing my job by being so late, LOL!!! heh heh....

And all you other losers (Invictuc/Boidkeeper), shut yer yaps. Magnum has the power to make you cry. Oh yeah............. :D

11-07-03, 08:04 AM