View Full Version : Austin,TX

11-06-03, 02:32 AM
DO anyone know of any shows coming or going through the local area of austin, TX?

Hamster of Borg
11-06-03, 12:55 PM
Nope, but the Austin Herpetological Society (http://www.austinherpsociety.org/) is having their next meeting this coming Saturday. The guest speaker will be Travis LaDuc, PhD talking on the benefits of using roadkill for collecting species locality data.

Texas Reptiles no longer does a show in Austin, it wasn't worth their effort. The AHS is working with a group to try and bring a show to the Austin area next August... cross your fingers.

There is a show in San Antonio (http://www.texasreptiles.com/) on Nov 15th and 16th. It is a hot show, but there are always many other vendors as well.
