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View Full Version : Breeding w/out Cooling

11-05-03, 03:51 PM
Jeff Ronnie, the Boaphile, breeds his boas w/out cooling. We are attempting to breed a pair of Hogs this way but so far there has been no mating activity:confused:

We introduced the male to the female about three weeks ago and nothing happened so after three days of nothing we seperated them and fed the female a small meal. She went into a shed cycle the day after seperating so we thought this may have caused the males lack of interest. I introduced them last night after her shed and no breeding activity was witnessed. He will get a few more days to show breeding activity then we will try another male. It is still very early and according to the Boaphile the "window of opprotunity" is huge. I'll keep you posted on our progress.

Have you bred BCI's without cooling them? I was wondering if anyone else has had succuess this way? If so I would love to hear about it!


11-05-03, 08:56 PM
Well i cant totally answer your question, but from some of the breeders i have talked to cooling is a must.

And i am also trying to get a couple of my columbians to go at it. I never cooled them and just threw them together and there has been nothing from them, except the male who looks like he wants to get her bad but she just wont give in, and they have been together for about 2 weeks now.

But it still isnt to late to cool them off for a bit and try again, as that is what i am going to do.

Do you have the boa video from VPI and Rich Isle? i found it pretty informative about how Rich cools his animals and how he does it. Maybe give that a try.

Good luck.

11-05-03, 08:57 PM
Get another male and combat them.

Boas can be bred without cooling (damn risky for the males anyways), but that is always easiest to accomplish after owning the animals for a few years and getting them used to a rhythm. I can do that with some of my Rainbows. I don't even touch their heat sources and they breed right on queue every year.

But I wouldn't advise it.

Why not email Ronne and ask him? He's pretty nice and usually gets back to people quite promptly.

11-05-03, 09:48 PM
I have both the VPI and the Boaphile videos. I thought the Boaphile's methods seemed interesting so I am trying it. I also have another male to try and possibly combat if neccesary.

12-04-03, 12:46 PM
Boaphile method is the way to go..i'm wondering what you deffintion of breeding activity....is it copulation or courtship?
I have bread bci's in the past. no cooling...but..it is on there say..from your other post (which by the way i've liked) i'm trusting that they are mature enough and healthy enough to breed..one thing even experinced keepers forget is through they have controlled the photoperiod is wether or not the snakes are secluded enough...do you have them in there own room where after dark noone enters and turn on lights or plays loud music where the vibrations could desturb them...I only used a small flash light if i had to look in....(by "had to" i mean i was really really courius.)
I think it still pretty early ..wait a day or two and if still nothing start again with a seperation.

as i side note (i have never tried this only read) a shed from a male boa place in the cage with the two of them my stimulate the male.---------if anyone has used this method i would like to know more