View Full Version : Best scorpion substrate

11-04-03, 07:50 PM
Well I want to change my scorpions from vermiculite, I have two adult forest scorps and 2 small Emperor scorps about an inch long not including the tail. What is the best substrate? Where can I get it? Thanks IA


Tim and Julie B
11-05-03, 02:28 PM
I use expandable coconut. You can mix it with sand and it will hold burrows. It is also cleaner then just dirt. Although some organic soils work well also.

11-05-03, 05:22 PM
Alright great, next time im out Ill get some. Where do you get it, petshops or garden centers?

11-05-03, 05:55 PM
I use that repti-bark stuff. It works pretty good for me. It isnt the best burrow material, but they can dig around in it. And you can wash the stuff about 2 times. Smells nice and clean after a good washing :D. I heard that sand isnt good for emperors, it can damage those triangle thingies on their bellies (sorry forgot the name).
Greetz Daan