View Full Version : Questions on Kenyan Sand Boas...

11-04-03, 11:39 AM
I am planning on getting a male KSB soon. I plan to house in a 10 gallon reptile tank with a sliding sreen top. I have a few questions that I could not find answers to on the caresheets suggested.

1. What should the humidity be at when not in shed?
2. How do you measure temp when using a substrate like aspen, sand, etc.?
3. How often do they defecate?
4. Does a humid hide only needed to be put in tank when in shed?
5. When using a UTH, do I stick it directly on the bottom of the tank? Does there need to be some kind of air flow under the tank/UTH - meaning do I need to raise the tank up a bit so that the UTH is not resting directly on stand?
6. Any recommendations on a good online breeder of black & white (anerythristic) kenyan sand boas? Or any Kenyan Sand boas.

Scotty Allen
11-04-03, 12:15 PM
Roy Stockwell is the guru of KSB's in these parts (among many other species). Without knowing where you are, I suggest looking him up using one of his many posts on these forums.

11-04-03, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Tigergenesis
1. What should the humidity be at when not in shed?

Kenyans should be kept bone dry at all times. I do not recommend any more than 40% humidity. When they are in shed, we just give ours a good soak for about 10 minutes a day and have never had a shedding problem.

2. How do you measure temp when using a substrate like aspen, sand, etc.?

Get a temp gun or a digital thermometer with probes. They are usually sold as indoor / outdoor thermometers.

3. How often do they defecate?

Whenever they need to. Like most boas, they'll usually only go once for every meal they have, but sometimes will go 3-4 feedings without defecating.

4. Does a humid hide only needed to be put in tank when in shed?

Like I said, dry at all times. You can put a humid hide in, but the san boa likely won't use it.

5. When using a UTH, do I stick it directly on the bottom of the tank? Does there need to be some kind of air flow under the tank/UTH - meaning do I need to raise the tank up a bit so that the UTH is not resting directly on stand?

If you use a UTH, make sure you can control the heat levels with a rheostat.

6. Any recommendations on a good online breeder of black & white (anerythristic) kenyan sand boas? Or any Kenyan Sand boas.

Roy Stockwell has the best ones in the nation, but if you just post in the Wanted section, you'll probably get replies from lots of Kenyan breeders.

Hope this helps.

11-04-03, 02:33 PM
When measuring temp on the hot side w/ a digital thermometer, do I place the probe directly on the bottom of the tank (under substrate)?


11-04-03, 03:06 PM
It's a good idea to place it wherever the snake will be, so yes... under the substrate in this case.

11-04-03, 03:52 PM
Kenyans should be kept bone dry at all times.

I have heard this advice many times, and while it's best for rosies. Kenyans can take a bit of humidity. I keep mine on peat moss, and when they're in shed, I pour a little in, so it's slightly damp. I've also heard of others keeping humidity hide boxes at all times.

Kenyans may be burrowers, but remember, the ground is often a lot more humid, than the air. That's why so many animals burrow in desert like habitats, to escape the heat and for a bit of dampness.

6. Any recommendations on a good online breeder of black & white (anerythristic) kenyan sand boas? Or any Kenyan Sand boas.

Unkie Roy has some great sand boas, but he doesn't ship, so if you're not in his area good luck!

As for aneries, I belive MotleyMadness or House of Moak, had hets a year ago, and I hope to have some hets next season. My male anery is full grown, but I have no female big enough for him. My female anery, is a lousy eater!

A big time sandie breeder is Gord Redman, based in BC, he has tons, and I believe they're $45 - $60.

11-04-03, 03:57 PM
OOps, just noticed you're States based.

Those are Canadian breeders I mentioned.

You'll find plenty of KSB in the states. Some really fantastic ones, are those "Flame Race" produced by VPI, and some totally whacked morphs, check out Lee Herps.