View Full Version : SCReptiles, I have a question for you.

11-04-03, 11:16 AM
I've been doing this thing called "Reading circle" with my family mostly every night. Basically what we do is translate Greek, or Latin, or Hebrew from the bible. In Hebrew we have even been singing our way through Genesis, since that's how it was originally intended. We also discuss religion in general... and one of the things we've discussed is basically who is REALLY going to hell? Some of us basically believe that ultimately, the people who end up in hell are the rebelious people. The people that deep down hate God and almost WANT to be in hell. You seem very knowledgable in this subject and I was wondering what your thoughts are on who really goes to hell. Do you believe the traditional views?


11-04-03, 11:54 AM
Man, can you PM him or something? I am getting sick of all of this religious talk. Really people. Join a religion forum.....

Maybe it's just me but does anyone want to discuss snakes????

11-04-03, 12:01 PM
Cranwill... scroll up. It says General Discussion. I can see several other threads that have nothing to do with snakes and I don't see you in there telling THEM to stop. Go find a snake thread. Nobody's making you click on this one.

11-04-03, 12:41 PM
Religion is a really touchy subject man, if its requested to be not spoken about, you should respect others wishes.. I personally have no interest in seeing this either, and I can understand where cranwill is coming from.

11-04-03, 01:21 PM
I don't understand that at all. Just don't click on it. It's not that hard.

11-04-03, 01:25 PM
But since there's no reaason not to - Next time I'll be sure to just PM somebody.

11-04-03, 01:28 PM
Jman, I am with you. There are so many people who want to jump on you about something......if you don't like violence in movies((((Don't Watch))))......if you don't like hearing curse words((((Don't Listen to Rap))). It is that easy folks.....don't click on this thread. Quit whining.

11-04-03, 01:41 PM
I'm with Jman. Hey Jman, when you get into the NT, Jesus, says the only way is through him. I take this to mean that you must confess a belief in him or hell bound you are.

If you want, I'll look up the book and verse.


11-04-03, 01:43 PM
Good point J-man. It was addressed to me, so if you don’t want to read, avoid the forum. I think he choose this rather then PM because there are probably several people out there wondering the same thing, open forum reaches them as well.

In the Old Testament people were saved by faith in a coming savior. Their faith was demonstrated by their works or, through following the law. The Old Testament was physical. You had physical evil in the Philistines and physical good in the choosen people, the Hebrews. The New Testament is less physical and more spiritual. Under the New Testament you are saved through faith and not by works. There is no longer a physical enemy of God’s people. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing the world he doesn’t exist. The devil does not want cults worshipping him, he hates that. What he wants is to draw attention away from him. That is why he created things such as evolution. He wants the scientists to explain him away just as they do God. Just think for a minute how many would be saved if God opened the gates of hell for just 5 minutes and let all the intellectuals see true hell? But that isn’t the way it works. It’s all faith based. To the meat of your question, who is going to hell? All kinds of people, bad people, good people, white people, back people, Jews, Muslims, (so-called) Christians. As I quoted before, Christ tells us that only thru him will you make it to heaven. He also tells us that narrow is the path that leads to heaven, and wide is the path that leads to hell. Many will follow the wide path, only a few will follow the narrow. If you are concerned about yourself, this is what you must do. 1. Believe Christ is the son of God and that he died for your sins. 2. Pray a simple prayer and ask God to forgive you of your sins and accept the gift of salvation. Don’t expect a complete overhaul over night. The Bible says that we must repent of our sins, but that only means changing your attitude toward them. As a lost man, you commit sins with no remorse, as a saved man, you will still sin, but the Holy Ghost will convict of it and you will have remorse. Christ saves you, then the Holy Ghost will guide you and if you allow him, he will help you to grow as a Christian.

11-04-03, 02:05 PM
Thanks for the reply. I think I get what you're saying. The whole physical vs. spiritual thing never really occured to me. But it makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. BTW, this post wasn't about me being worried about myself... though I know there's always room for me to improve. I try to do the things you've listed (and more) on a regular basis, but I probably don't do it as much as I should. Anyway, thanks again. Makes a lot of sense.

11-04-03, 02:07 PM
So, if thats the way it works, I could start a thread saying who else thinks religion is a crock of *****? I guess so. But I wouldn't as I wouldn't want to offend any individuals on here that do follow religion, I have enough respect to respect their beliefs. I feel you guys should offer the same respect in regards to those who dont believe in religion. After all, this IS a reptile hobby board and has absolutely nothing to do with religion.

11-04-03, 02:09 PM
You and your family really read and speak Hebrew? I am very impressed!!!

11-04-03, 02:11 PM
VHB, sure, you can start that thread. I would post on it, you will have to explain to me how words shown on a computer screen have the ability to offend people who boost about being enlightened? That concept escapes me!

11-04-03, 02:13 PM
hahaha SC, not everyone has the same conception of enlightenment.... and religion has about 60 billion different views, and posting it on here is completely rediculous. Theres 10 billion websites to visit to read about this type of thing, and you choose to post on a reptile site? That concept escapes me..

11-04-03, 02:14 PM
Anyways, iam back to my REPTILES.. Which is what this site is about.

11-04-03, 02:18 PM
Theres 10 billion websites to visit to read about this type of thing, and you choose to post on a reptile site?
Did I start any of these threads? I am answering questions posed by other members. So, questions and answers offend you somehow? =)

11-04-03, 02:23 PM
Answering q's obviously doesnt offend me. The topic doesnt even really offend me, however I do not believe in any religion or posting about religion on a website that has absolutly nothing to do with religion.

11-04-03, 02:28 PM
I guess we all need to write the mods. Close every thread that doesn't involve a reptile......close down the whole joke forum. I find this very amusing. I will not censor myself for anyone.

11-04-03, 02:30 PM
v.hb why dont ya go hassle some of the other threads that arent about herps. like the girlfriend one, or the marriage one or the neumerous happy birthdays.

this is a general discussion section. It can be used for ANYTHING. If you only want to talk herps maybe you should stay away from this section. Problem solved.

BTW Im not religious. I find the orginizations behind most religions to be corupt and two faced. I am how ever open minded. If anyone has the answer to the meaning of life I'ld be greatful:)

11-04-03, 02:31 PM
Actually, Jeff has asked that Religion be kept off the forums since day one. Religion is a touchy subject for some people here, as you can see.. Thread closed.. if you have any questions, feel free to PM me..

11-04-03, 04:49 PM
Forget about click or not clicking... Religion / Politics are not allowed to be discussed on the site period. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, DONT USE THE FORUMS... Sounds alot like your if you dont like it dont click on it... Again for the 200th time.. Religion and Politics are not welcome in the forums period.


11-04-03, 04:53 PM
Fatboy, if you dont want to sensor yourself, feel free to speak / start more political / religious threads so I have a good reason to sensor you indefinatley...