View Full Version : Peruvians v Others

11-03-03, 09:21 PM
Is there a visually distinct difference between peruvian boas and the other two BCC.

11-03-03, 10:13 PM
Yes The two, Surinam and Guyanan look very much alike and for all intensive purposes are the same Boa(and quite different in appearence from roovies) Here is a tid bit of info for you (there are more than 3 distinct forms of B.c.c ) I will list them as follows.1 Brazilian 2 Surinam 3 Guyanan 4 Venezuelan 5 Peruvian 6 Trinidadian 7 Colombian. That was a good question made me think for a while I got the first 6 no prop had to dig in a book for the Trinidadian Boa ( I always forget that one for some reason) The Suri Guyanan and Peruvian are the most common in the pet trade for Bcc so we see many more of them than the others If you can find a pic check out what Brazilians look like it will blow your mind If you see a nice one.


11-04-03, 07:18 PM
I didn't know their were so many BCC. Till now I thought there were only the three. But I'm just researching for my first snake, what do I know.

I've read that the Suris and Guys are pretty much the same snake. Is there a visual distinction between them and the Peruv. I've looked at so many pictures and really each snake I see is very original. I guess what I'm asking is what are the physical characteristics that separate them?

11-04-03, 08:52 PM
Peruvian's have smaller saddles ...