View Full Version : Looking For Set-Up Pictures?

11-03-03, 05:58 PM
OK ..... This is for anyone who has brazilian rainbow boas. I was wondering if you guys come post some picture os your set-up, just so i can get some ideas running throught my head. I now house my B.Rainbow Boas in cypress mulch on the bottom and spagumn moss on top (only in one section of the tank). Then with a water bowl and a cave. I currently house 3 B.Rainbow Boa.


... Kody ...

11-03-03, 08:23 PM
you house 3 BRBs together? O_O

11-10-03, 06:21 PM
No ... i house 2 together and one on its own

11-10-03, 06:55 PM
you shouldnt house any together. im sure 95% of the people on the site would agree with me also

11-10-03, 07:06 PM
In my opinion, which I'm basing on things I've read and things that I know large breeders do, I feel that snakes should never be housed together.
Here are some points that I keep in mind and reasons why I do not house them together.
1. The presence of another animal in their space represents competition, competition leads to stress.
2. Stress leads to loss of appetite and or disease.
3. If one sick gets sick they can both get sick.
4. How do you know who is defecating and who is not?
5. Snakes are not social animals so although captivity its self is not natural forcing two animals to live together is even more unnatural.
My Brazilians like all my snakes are house seperately. My Brazilians are house in Rubbermaids with damp news paper and a water bowl.

11-10-03, 07:18 PM
I agree with everyone else. Separate them.

11-10-03, 07:30 PM
I agree with everyone else too. The only reason to keep two together is for breeding.

11-12-03, 11:07 AM
so no one has any pics of there setups for BRB's???