View Full Version : Just for curiosity, when you start cooling your rainbows in Canada

11-02-03, 03:12 PM
Do you cooled them for a whole month, or colled them just at night for the whole month?, Do you keep male and female together for the whole cooling period or put them together after 2 or 3 weeks of cooling or when female shed? and when dod you start cooling them? sorry English is not my primary language

11-04-03, 01:46 AM
Is anybody breeding Rainbows in this forum that could answer these questions?

11-04-03, 07:28 PM
This is a post from another site. I did not write this but I agree with it.

When do you stop feeding your males before breeding?
**I didn't stop feeding the male until he refused 3 meals at regular intervals.

When do you stop feeding your females before breeding?
**same as male

When do you start to lower temps for males?
**My temps were lowered at the end of Oct.

When do you start to lower temps for females?
**Same as above, my pair were housed together until a month before she gave birth.

Do you lower daytime temps, night time temps, or both.
**Both were lowered.

What temps do you use for day time & night time during the cooling period.
**64 to 65 degrees F during the night, it incresed during the day to 70-74.

How long do you cool and when do you stop cooling?
**I stopped at the first of Dec because I was afraid they'd get sick.

When do you introduce the pair?
**Mine are housed together.

How long are they left together?
**Until about a month before the arrival of babies.

Do you use misting as part of your cycling program?
**I do not mist, but increased humidity when the barometric pressure was lower. I didn't have a real reason to do this, I read that hurricanes possibly affect breeding.

My first litter was 23 live with 1 slug for the snakes first ever breeding. They bred on and off for 6 to 8 weeks.

11-05-03, 12:29 AM
Thanks a lot for taking the time to post those answer, I have note that people do not like to answer breeding question, would like to know why?

11-05-03, 10:19 AM
There is not an abundance of people breeding rainbows on this forum. Some that do, do not routinely reply to any posts, not just breeding posts. Some used to breed, but no longer do. Some people are not on here everyday and may not read a post for a week or longer. There are many reasons.