View Full Version : Mice don't eat litters when small cages>>

11-01-03, 09:46 AM
I made an observation. I have 4 colonies of 1.4 mice in those small ferplast plastic fish tanks-those with the one window on top.
None of those mice ever eaten the babies. Those mice produce big litters. Maybe they feel more secure in smaller cages.
What's your oppinion?

11-01-03, 03:15 PM
I find as long as we keep the cages clean and the food and water well stocked and we don't over crowd our colonies we get good results. I'm using 10G tanks for the mice as the hamster cages let the little babies out.

11-01-03, 03:21 PM
i had a colony in a 33 gal that did fine,big litters too,(always 10-12)but they would always stop around 40-50 mice and id have to sell a bunch before theyd have any more babies.

11-02-03, 01:38 PM
Forgot to mention that these 4 colonies in small cages are not all my feeders. I have other 180 mice in larger tanks and some of them eat their youngs. But in those small plastic cages i never had that behaviour.