View Full Version : Sleeping problems...

Solid Snake
11-01-03, 01:50 AM
Ok this might sounds strange but its happened 2 times this year i can remember...

i was dozing off, couldn't sleep... then when i kinda fell asleep, i could hear my music from my PC, and then i tried waking up, but couldn't! I knew i was awake, and i was so freightened i tried so hard, nothing worked... Couldn't move my arms, my legs, hands etc. I could only control breathing. I then took 3 deep breaths, and i finaly awoke... strange, very strange...

I know i was awake because i had my eyes slightly closed and could see just a bit. It happened another time when i got off from work and was just laying down and the exact same thing happened.

kinda freaky, does anyone know what this is called... or... how to stop it.

11-01-03, 01:58 AM
I don't remember what it's specifically called but what you've described sounds a lot like a sleep disorder where you wake up and are still paralized.

In general when a person reaches REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep your body keeps your limbs from moving which keeps you from thrashing around during dreams. It's a form of paralasis, the sleep disorder i'm thinking of occurs when a person wakes up and are aware but their body is still paralized. I think the disorder may be called Sleep paralysis, but i'm not sure. I have a sleep disorder, so in researching mine i've seen info on many others. Just try looking up "Sleep disorder" in a search engine and you'll find many sites that will give you information i'm sure.

11-01-03, 02:19 AM
I have had this happen once. Very scary. It only lasted about 5 minutes before my body caught up with my mind and woke up. When I woke up, I got very emotional and spent the day in tears. It's a very frightening thing to experience. Imagine being paralyzed like that ALL the time! It makes me value the use of my limbs.

11-01-03, 06:03 AM
Lay off the hard drugs... LOL

11-01-03, 06:12 AM
Haha, this happens to me all the time! I hate it I go to sleep, wake up in the morning and the television will be on. I don't like it cause it will be the most boaring program but I have to listen to it cause I can not move. When this happens I usually fall back asleep after an hour or so! Its really weird but don t stress over it. Just don t fall asleep with any noise going on radio, cd player, TV etc. Thats what I do and it doesn t happen then!

Oh yea, I also dont breath for a long time when I am sleeping my girlfriend has woken me up before cause she was so worried, anyone no what this is called?

11-01-03, 06:14 AM
Sleep paralysis. Tends to happen to me a more often when I'm stressed out or severely exhausted.

11-01-03, 09:14 AM
Lay off the hard drugs... LOL

Drugs are bad mmmmmmmmmk:D

11-01-03, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by T.O-SK8TER
Oh yea, I also dont breath for a long time when I am sleeping my girlfriend has woken me up before cause she was so worried, anyone no what this is called?

Sleep Apnea. You may want to let your Dr. know about it, as it can lead to heart failure.

11-01-03, 11:01 AM
T.O. Skater,
Since your metabolic rate goes way down when you are sleeping you breathe a lot less frequently. Your girlfriend, who is conscious when she is watching you, is likely comparing your breathing rate with her own, and thus notices the differences.
Sleep Apnea is generally pretty common, it can be fatal, but don't fret until you talk to your doctor.

Solid Snake,
The University of Waterloo is conducting extensive research on Sleep Paralysis, I have attended some seminars as I frequently experience this phenomena. I often have complete, full-on sleep paralysis where my dreams are superimposed on reality (I hope I am not stigmatizing myself), apparently this is what a lot of ghost sightings are attributed to. This usually happens when I am sleeping on my back; I will slowly open my eyes, I am certainly conscious but not 100%, I am aware of my surroundings but cannot move. I usually feel a crushing weight on my chest and I usually see/feel the presence of another person (sinister) beside me. Always freaks me out so this is how I know that I am not 100% conscious or else I could just lay there and enjoy the show, but I always feel threatened. Up until a few years ago I had no idea what this was and didn't talk about it, but now I realize it's just a minor anomaly, and I don't think I'm crazy.....

11-01-03, 11:07 AM
University of Waterloo (http://www.arts.uwaterloo.ca/~acheyne/S_P.html)

11-01-03, 11:15 AM
What about waking up and yelling, then going back to sleep? I sometimes get up, yell at something (I know iam doing it, but can't control it) then fall back to sleep. I wake up the next day, and my girlfriend asks what happend as she obviously just heard me yelling gibberish then passing out. It's strange, no idea what causes it. I can see it all being quite scary though in any case.

11-01-03, 12:22 PM

Interesting you mention you had this problem. Almost the exact same thing happened to me just the other night. I was right at the point where I was about to fall asleep but I knew I wasnt sleeping yet. I couldnt move at all and after a few minutes I lifted my head up, looked at the clock and three hours had gone by. I was very disoriented and fell right back asleep. Maybe you had actually slept? You ever woke up an hour before your alarm was supposed to go off, you fall back asleep, and you hear your alarm going off and it seems like you had only slept for 2 minutes.

Since its only happened a few times I would'nt worry to much. If the problem persists definately tell your doctor. If you do goto a doctor describe your exact problem to them. I dont know how it is in Canada but here in the states if you goto your doctor and tell him your "having trouble sleeping", he'll probably put you on anti-depressants, thats doctors answer to everything. Although if you do have alot of stress in your life: work, girlfriend, school, etc, it can cause sleeping problems.

And ofcourse, as others have mentioned: Drugs. I know I've been around a few people, years ago, that were afraid to sleep with the notion they were'nt gonna wake up if they did fall asleep.

11-01-03, 04:47 PM
Go to a doctor...tell him about it rather than people on a snake forum...lol.....they have a hard enough time taking care of reptile health,,,human health issues are another story...if you have mites, or trouble keeping F/T rats down, I can give you advice ....lol

Solid Snake
11-01-03, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by chas*e
Go to a doctor...tell him about it rather than people on a snake forum...lol.....they have a hard enough time taking care of reptile health,,,human health issues are another story...if you have mites, or trouble keeping F/T rats down, I can give you advice ....lol

you need to read carefully, as we are in the General Discussion forum
"Anything goes.. (If there isnt another forum for your thread)"

i can share what ever i wish in this forum. And so what if its a snakes site, people talk about halloween, school, trips what they've done, etc, has nothing to do about snakes.

i share because i know people who have simalar problems and it does make a feel a bit better that im not alone, i like to express myself and get things off my chest rather then call the doc after something happens. anyway i dont think this is that serious to see a doctor. If it persists then i will

11-01-03, 06:42 PM
Relax...I was just saying that it is a medical problem and should be discussed with a medical doctor ...I was only concerned for your health...sorry....You can post anything you want, whenever you want.....geeesh......It would be a drag if someone was to post.."hey whatever happened to that guy Solid Snake..you know the guy with the sleeping problem that turned out to be a heart condition"

11-02-03, 06:26 AM
I agree that you should definately talk to a doctor about it. Better yet talk to a doctor and get a referral to a sleep disorder specialist. Most doctors know as much about sleep disorders as most vets know about Herps in general unfortunately.

But from what you and others have descriped Sleep paralysis sounds right to me... As to the comment about most doctors treating people who have trouble sleeping with "Anti-Depressants"

You're completely correct. Most types of Insomnia and many forms of Circadian rythym disorders are treated with drugs that double as anti-depressants. Been there done the whole spectrum ;) I actually have an appointement with the Sleep Disorder clinic in Calgary on the 25th of this month as they have some new research and treatments for circadian rythym disorders. Might not be a sleep disorder at all, *crosses fingers* here's hoping.

Hope things work out for everyone here who has mentioned that they have sleep issues, I can think of few things that will screw up your life worse than a sleep disorder. At least when you have cancer or soemthing people are compassionate, When you only get 2 hours of sleep a night for months on end people think you're just a cranky, lazy annoyance. Definately not fun. Not to mention that most doctors seem to have attitudes almost as bad as the general populace.

11-02-03, 12:47 PM
This doesnt happen to me often any more but it did a lot when I was younger. I always thought it was great. It used to happen a lot when I was dreaming I would "wake up" but still be in the dream and have total control over the events. hehe they would be very intense