View Full Version : Guinea Pigs

10-31-03, 08:29 PM
I am just wondering if anybody feeds guinea pigs or Hamsters to there snakes?

If not why? Is it there cost, size, price, etc.???

Alittle feedback would be nice.


11-01-03, 09:26 AM
hamsters are pricy, and you can't have colonies like you can with rats and mice. guinea pigs have a 2 month gestation period, which makes them a little slow on breeding.

11-01-03, 07:44 PM
If I'm not mistaken, guinea pigs also only have two babies so a breeding colony would have to be pretty heavy on females.

11-08-03, 05:34 PM
I feed guinea pigs to some of my snakes ( i get them at auction real cheap) also I have a few underfed snakes come my way I have used the guinea pigs for fattening them back up this is something that has worked for me in the past.

11-08-03, 06:19 PM
Hamsters can be somewhat addictive to certain animals, as well as they have a much higher fat content. Also if you feed them live, look out, the little buggers are downright nasty :eb:

11-08-03, 06:28 PM
If you feed hamsters or guinea pigs live, you don't deserve to be owning a snake.

I've seen BCI and BPs absolutely mangled by live guinea pigs. A pet store here had a rescued one - a big female with HUGE scars that will likely never fully heal because the owner thought that live guinea pigs was a good idea.

I don't feed them regularly, but we do have a couple of gargantuan guineas at work in the freezer that would make great (albeit expensive) meals for my big BCI. I might try them.

11-08-03, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by Invictus
If you feed hamsters or guinea pigs live, you don't deserve to be owning a snake.

In a perfect world, all snakes could be trained to eat dead prey. The world however, is far from perfect. Some just won't. It's a judgement call. Albeit most people that feed live do indeed jump the gun, but live does have a part in the hobby, and that cannot be ignored or excused. To say anyone that feeds live does not deserve to own a snake is uncalled for. It is situation dependant.