View Full Version : Baby sitting a Ball Ptyhon...

10-31-03, 06:40 PM
I am babysitting my cousin's Ball Pythons while he is in the US Army. He wants to be an Airborne Ranger and I have no doubts that he can't make this elite group. He is my best friend and I will worry about him and pray for him everyday. It looks like I may have them for possibly a few years. He didn't want to sell them so I volunteered to care for them. I have plenty of space and cages and he also left a six months supply of food. I am looking forward to raising them up and breeding them. It will be a nice little side project just for fun! Here is a pic of his female, she is just a couple months old.


10-31-03, 07:25 PM
danm thats a cool BP, imo your lucky to ''get'' a BP from a friend, and also youll get to hear tons of cool stories once he comes home.

10-31-03, 08:21 PM
gimmie back my bp! JK my little female also has the white marks going up her sides and the little "coffee cup" handle on her back! except her eye marks the olive ones connect to the white on her jaw.........

Beautiful BP!!! Your lucky!

10-31-03, 09:59 PM
Lots of white up the sides! Looks like mine!

11-01-03, 01:00 AM
very nice! Props to you for taking them in.