View Full Version : colors

08-08-02, 09:39 PM
:confused: im relativley new to leos and just picked some up from out of town.
they all look fantastic i wish they would stay this way when they get to adulthood
my question is they are all a high yellow color except one he has the dark bands then where the yellow bands should be they are a dark browny grey:o
anyone know what this is or will lok like when it reaches adulthood:w
thanks for any helpo>

08-09-02, 12:24 AM
pics are worth a million bucks!

08-10-02, 09:33 AM
sorry dom to camera

08-10-02, 04:52 PM
First off, congrats on your new additions :) You never mentioned how old the geckos were, but since they still have bands I'm assuming they are still very young (few months or less). In either case, darkened colouration (unless it is a dark coloured morph such as midnight blizzards or chocolate patternless) is usually a sign of stress or illness. Is it alert? How is its stool? How is eating? How is behaving? Does he look healthy otherwise? Plump tail?

08-10-02, 07:49 PM
hey linds hes eating like a horse one of the fatest in the group
stool is firm not runny very alert doesnt seem stressed at all
overall very healthy looking
damn i wish i had a digi cam
oh well the colour doesnt seem to be affecting him
i'll keep an eye on him and post if anything changes
thanks for the posts