View Full Version : November 23rd Reptile Expo Toronto

10-30-03, 09:31 PM
Those interested in obtaining space tp particpate as a vendor for the November 23rd Reptile Expo in Toronto please email me asap. There are a couple openings just made available due to a couple cancelations. Feel free to email me at pcpcmail@rogers.com or phone me at 905 274 8018.

The November expo is commonly one of the better dates of the year with many breeders selling a number of their surplus as well as many new products are promoted just before the christmas season.

Dont miss it

765 Thirdt Street Mississauga
November 23rd 9am to 4pm
Admission $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children

Grant Crossman

10-30-03, 09:51 PM
Im looking forward to it, should be a great show!

10-30-03, 11:52 PM
I'm praying I can get there :D
