View Full Version : driving test

10-30-03, 02:36 PM
Hi all i am about to go take my driving test so that i can get my permit to drive with some one over 21 but im worried that ill fail any sugestions for the driving test in texas ? it is proly stupid that im scared but what teen drivers not ? lol well any advice would be great thx WISH ME LUCK lol


10-30-03, 04:11 PM
I don't know about driving in Texas. But, just relax and I'm sure you'll do fine. There's no use putting any pressure on yourself before the test. Good luck.

10-30-03, 04:15 PM
wow thats different from here lol, Where i live you get your learners at age 14, and full licence at 16, so at 16 you you dont need anyone wiyth you or anything. Actually I think Alberta is the only province in Canada with that law. Just relax and get lots of practicing in before the test.

10-30-03, 05:32 PM
I just took the one up here last weekend. It was easy. Alot of the questions were pretty much common sense, just think it through and you'll do fine :)

10-30-03, 05:42 PM
hey you guys thx for the support i took the test and made a 100 on it lol it was easy lol and Jefft we still get our full licence at 16 but we get our permit at 15 but we do get out actual licence on our 16th b-day were we dont have to have no one in the car or anything....... well thx again
