View Full Version : big ol cricket breeding setup?

08-08-02, 04:37 PM
ok...i'ts getting to the point where crickets are getting too expensive for me to buy em so often...so i want to get a big set up going that'll produce alot..i mean alot of crickets...does anyone know a good way to make a set-up for this?


08-08-02, 09:29 PM
rubbermaid container
box of crickets
cut holes and cover with wire mesh for vents
container with moist vermiculite
egg cartons for cricks to hide in
after about 5 days put the container in another tank at about 80 degrees
wait for hatchlings
easy right

08-08-02, 09:37 PM
but i heard it's kinda hard to keep those little cirx alive for the first few days or something?

08-11-02, 10:22 AM
yeah keep em moist not wet spray the papertowel or whatever you got down but make sure theres no standing water not even droplets because the little buggers are stunned and theyll drown in a droplet of water and keep them warm 80 deg yeah so warm and moist and that should do it