View Full Version : Favorite Beardi treat?

10-29-03, 01:20 PM
My guys abseloutly love apples my newest member is resistant to take em from my hand he will take one every now and then but hes getting to eat them more regularly

Big Mike
10-29-03, 02:04 PM
I have a beardie that goes nuts for butternut squash. I just shred some and mix it with his greens. He eats the whole dish of squash & greens and gets a huge fat belly. If I don't put the squash in he will only eat about half the greens.

10-29-03, 02:16 PM
Mine just got hooked on apples too. I think his favorite treat is a once a month pinkie.

10-29-03, 02:57 PM
Careful with the pinkies, burmer. They are a leading cause of fatty liver disease, which is always fatal and has no available treatment. By the time a beardie is big enough to digest a pinkie thoroughly they should be getting around 75-89% of their total food intake from plant-based foods.

I've had beardies go nuts for okra, prickly pear cactus pads, rose and geranium petals, parsnips, waxworms, silkwoms, and one idiot girl loved to try to get bumblebees. She'd get so frustrated that she couldn't bite them through her Reptarium mesh when I took her out for sunning.

10-29-03, 03:19 PM
What do you guys use for your routine diet on your beardies?

I use 10 crickets each everyother day
as much kael (like lettuce) as they can eat each day
Apple one a week
Carrot once everyother week (anymore often and I find they tend not to enjoy it, Like their owner )

10-29-03, 03:22 PM
I feed my 5 month old bearded dragon as much as she will eat, every other day. That's the routine we have going..because she won't eat every day. I am going to try silkworms to see if that will spike some interest in her.
I tried some apple today and she seemed to like it. I will start offering it to her more often.

10-29-03, 03:46 PM
I give a large salad with Rep-cal pellets every day. The salad has at least 2 different dark leafy greens, squash or parsnips, 1 or 2 other veggies and fruit once or twice a week.

Beardies under 6 months get feeder insects twice daily, as many as they will eat in 15 minutes. After 6 months, they get one bug meal a day unless there's some medical need for higher protein intake. Once they stop their fast growing stage, I gradually reduce the bugs until they are just offered once or twice weekly, unless it's a female that is gravid or about to be bred. Those girls get a daily helping of bugs.

10-29-03, 04:08 PM
I have two baby beardies both about three months old and they are a couple of pigs:)! I usually put a salad in the morning and feed them crickets 3 times a day. They both eat between 10-15 crickets per feeding(About 70-85 crickets/day), and I can almost literally see them grow :P.

As far as snacks, i havent really tried many diffrent things. They seem to enjoy kiwi and ive also tried a few mealworms and they like those aswell, but nothing they go crazy over, atleast yet. Ill definately have to try apples though.

10-29-03, 11:42 PM
Mine is picky when it comes to veggies. He will only eat a squash and kale on a regular basis. He has taken a liking to apples as of late though.

10-30-03, 12:25 PM
My 2 will eat anything in front of their faces. They get rep-cal pellets and salads everyday. I do a mixture and each time i go to the store i get different things. I try to get at least 2 different greens and some veggies. Like this week it's collard, mustard, sweet potatoes, carrots, and green beens. Next week all depends. I rotate through kale, mustard, turnip, collard, swiss chard, parsley, endive, dandalion, the veggies rotate also green beans, carrots, sweet potato, squash, snow peas, okra, and they get treats of various fruits (a friend of mine is an exotic fruit specialist and he brings over some different fruits for my guys). And a variety of insects crickets, wax, butter, silkies, roaches. I do not and will never feed meal worms to my 2. Some of the items are treats some of them are stable plus i probly left a few items out cause these guys will put away some food!!!!
They usually only get insects about once a week. I feed mostly salads and pellets as my 2 are adults now but when they were babies and juvies they would get tons of crix. and other insects.

My girl goes absolutly NUTS for butterworms!!! I made a previous post on how bad she gets w/ pictures. She will run around frantic and start lunging her self out of the cage for them. It's the only food item she will sit up for also!!!
The boy doesn't care he likes anything. Even though he only gets treats of it i think his favorites are fruits specally honey dew. he will sit infront of the dish and try for only the honey dews at least until their all gone.

10-30-03, 02:20 PM
I like to feed mine crickets semi daily, I find that its a valued part of there lifestyle because it gets them running around for a little bit which I think personally does them good.