View Full Version : Poo???

Solid Snake
10-29-03, 11:45 AM
Its been about a month and my BCI has been fed atleast 5-6 times. I feed him rat pups and he hasn't pooped yet...

he looks a bit fat... but hes not pooing... i know of that bathing technique but it doesnt work, he just climbs out of the water if i put him in there...

should i worry?

10-29-03, 12:10 PM
my boa has done this before too. For one...I wouldnt keep feeding him until he goes. Try putting him in the bathtub in nice warm water, he might not be able to get out so easily. Let him soak for 20 or 30 mins...he may leave ya something in the bathtub. lol If not..just put him back in his tank and leave him alone..he will eventually go. BTW...since he is still a young boa, he is probably absorbing most of the prey which is why he doesnt poo as often. I wouldnt worry just yet. He will be okay.

10-29-03, 02:59 PM
Don't worry too much, but do double-check your cage humidity. Mild dehydration is a frequent cause of constipation and some animals just aren't fans of soaking if it's not a major fluid imbalance.

10-29-03, 03:03 PM
Snakes don t crap that often, I would not worry my burm only goes every 4 weeks!