View Full Version : toss this in your google

10-29-03, 12:05 AM
TEK-FRESH Laboratory Animal Bedding or click here http://www.teklad.com/standard/index.htm

10-29-03, 12:36 AM
What exactly are we looking at? I skimmed it, and i'm probably missing something important, but the only thing I really could see that was.... well, different, was mabye that they make lab diets for such a variety of animals. But other than that... it's ok that I can see. I must have missed something..? :confused:

Solid Snake
10-29-03, 01:12 PM
what does this have to do with enclosures?

i also skimmed through it, something about animal diets and so forth, maybe u should give a bit more info next time...

10-29-03, 02:35 PM
Solid Snake,
I'm assuming it was this link... http://www.teklad.com/bedding/tekfresh.htm

I agree however, think the initial post needs a little more information :confused:

10-29-03, 02:48 PM
whats wrong with "TEK-FRESH Laboratory Animal Bedding"? seems pretty obvious to me.

10-29-03, 03:19 PM
Not really obvious at all why you posted it. Maybe a bit of a description why you want to share it with us would've helped. Is this a product you use and you are recommending it to us?

It is identical to Carefresh. With the exception of the bag...lol...packaging on Carefresh wouldn't last in an autoclave :p

Solid Snake
10-30-03, 02:22 AM
it got me confused when it had animal diets and bedding and etc.

should have put more info on what u were talking about and a direct link would have been so much better. people like me kinda stress over something small like this...:p