View Full Version : Dented eye.....

10-28-03, 12:01 PM
How many of you have seen dented eyes on your snakes. Last night I took out my boa from it's enclosure and the way it was resting it's head, left a dent in it's eye. It was still there this morning. I have seen a smaller one before on a bp and it was gone by morning. How long does it take for these to return to normal?

Big Mike
10-28-03, 12:22 PM
Dented eyes are a sign of dehydration or lack of humidity. What are you keeping your boa in? What do you have in the enclosure as far as water?

Raise the humidity by misting the enclosure. Give the snake a dish/tub of water that is big enough to soak in. I have seen eye dents return to normal within a day or so...once adequate humidity was provided.

Cool avatar b.t.w.

10-28-03, 12:28 PM
Dented eyes are typically caused by a) dehydration or lack of humidity b) injury c) sickness. If they bonk their eye good enough off a cage decoration it can cause a dent. What is your humidity at? You could try raising it to see if that helps. That is the most common cause of a dented eyecap.

10-28-03, 12:45 PM
The boa is in good health, humidity is between 60 to 65% temps are spot on.....It was the way it basking and had it's head resting in a funny way against an uneven surface, hence it got a slight dent............

10-28-03, 12:47 PM
Oh and it has quite a nice sized water dish..............:cool:

10-28-03, 12:57 PM
Oh and it has quite a nice sized water dish..............:cool:

10-28-03, 01:04 PM
when evr i notice a dent i give her a good soak, and put a towel over the top of the cage for a while, this will make the dent go away after a day or so

10-28-03, 02:40 PM
Your humidity sounds fine. If its just from her eye getting to know a cage decoration, then there isn't anything you can do but wait for it to bounce back :p