View Full Version : New Ambanja

10-28-03, 11:26 AM
hey guys this is Autumn My new Ambanja male Im not sure on color morph im pretty sure is is a blue because he has blue bars I know he looks really red in the photos, what do u guys think.

I have a new female too but she was very stressed from the move and I dident want to take her out as she is just starting to get her colors back she hase been black since sunday but is now turning peachy.

Im not sure on a name for her yet, she is eating from my hand havent seen her drink yet though, and she dont move arond much. And the male drinks alot but havent seen him eat yet.


this is a pic i found on adcham of a male ambanja blue very similar soo im not sure


10-28-03, 11:31 AM
OMF YOUR SO LUCKY!!!!!!!! its got some really nice colours How old are they????


10-28-03, 11:32 AM
Beautiful colours!

10-28-03, 11:34 AM
they are 1 1/2 years the male is a bit grumpy but not bad at all and the female seems to bee soo tame lol the oppisit of my other pair funny...

10-28-03, 11:36 AM
lol wow your really lucky, jealous:p Is the red its normal colour??? You should try and put him in front of the mirror and see what colour he changes too, mine turns white:p, so i dont do it anymore lol


10-28-03, 11:44 AM
He is blue with orange spots (mostly around his face) the red stripes u see are normally like that but muted, he saw my other male while i was putting him in the cage and he got very dramatic blue stripes and lots of red (acually its very orangy) his face get lots of red. He has lots of variation in color his underside is very beige, and the top of his head has some green. Soo seeing these colors we thought that they were automn colors so thats what we called him. I need my camera back my web cam isent cutting it lol.

10-28-03, 12:10 PM
That's one sexy beast. Hubba hubba. Get some pics up of the female when she settles in.

Congrats on the new arrivals!


10-28-03, 03:29 PM
ok here is the female she is soo calm now lol she seems to be getting lighter all day its great seems like she is realxing


10-28-03, 03:33 PM
Nice chams, best of luck with them all!!!


10-28-03, 03:50 PM
beautiful chameleons! I am dying to get a pair of Ambanjas.

10-28-03, 04:13 PM
Those are amazing chameleons!
Congrats and best of luck!
