View Full Version : Pics of new African House Snakes...

10-28-03, 10:09 AM
I received a couple of baby African House Snakes (Lamprophis fuliginosis) today from a gentlemen who advertised them on KS. They arrived earlier than expected (which is amazing since they were shipped UPS) and very lively. They are supposedly both males, but since they are still small, I think it will take a while to be able to tell for sure. Aren't they cute?? Sorry for the bad pics, but I wanted to get them in their warm cages ASAP.

This is the bigger of the 2

The smaller:


10-28-03, 10:10 AM
Wow, they're so cute :)


10-28-03, 10:36 AM
Wow thats a baby?
The ones at my local pet store are about half that size now and they have them for almost 6 months or better.

10-28-03, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Syst3m
Wow thats a baby?
The ones at my local pet store are about half that size now and they have them for almost 6 months or better.

Yup, these are '03 babies. The smaller one is pretty small, at least I think it is. The ones at your petstore should be bigger than that, are they feeding it properly?

gecko god 2003
10-28-03, 11:08 AM
yeah i like the house snakes they are cute!!

10-28-03, 11:54 AM
House snakes are so cute!

I have a 1.1 pair right now and the female is smaller than the male due to picky eating. She's also a snit about being taken out and won't hesitate to take a whack at a finger or two. Hasn't calmed down one bit since she got here over a month ago.

The male is calm as can be and eats like a pig!


10-28-03, 11:11 PM
Nice AHS! You just can't go wrong with them. Mine eat, grow and breed and are very easy to handle. Out of 5, I have yet to have a biter. Great little snakes!

10-29-03, 10:00 PM
Very cute. Congratulations on your new additions and good luck with them. :)

10-29-03, 10:12 PM
congrats on your new additions! I am thinking about adding one or two to my collection. They are simply irresistable.

10-30-03, 09:08 PM
Nice house snakes, they're great little snakes. They look so much like little pythons.

10-31-03, 02:19 PM
Beardonicus, I dont see why you can't pop or probe them as I have managed to pop (too small to probe) them when they are hatchlings. Although if you have never popped a snake, I wouldn't recommend starting on a baby house snake.

Nice snakes btw. One of my fav species. :)

10-31-03, 06:14 PM
Yeah, I'm gonna have someone else sex them for me, as I do not have the experience to do so.

10-31-03, 06:39 PM
wow they are goreous

11-02-03, 12:42 AM
Well, it turned out both of them were males, so I sold the smaller male at the KY herp show today. Now I have to find a good female to breed with my male.

11-02-03, 01:20 AM
they ar very cute~
but I like the smaller one that you had..it looked better....or cutier...

11-02-03, 01:43 PM
What little cuties! :D Congrats!!