View Full Version : Building A Rodent Room, need help with watering system

08-07-02, 08:15 PM
I'm building a rodent room and I want to use a watering system. Does anyone have one, or know how to build one, or know where I can find planes and parts list.

08-07-02, 11:44 PM
As in for misting the rats? Or for drinking? I imagine its for drinkin' .. hmm I personaly simply had the normal rodent bottles and a huge bucket of water and fill them up in there .. effecient but It was a bit of a pain ..

Actually I hope someone answers or comes up with a better answer than me cause that would be helpfull to me too ..

Sorry i was not that much of a help

08-07-02, 11:52 PM
I use Variflow valves. Under a gravity feed watering system. You can buy the hose and tees all in the same spot. I get them from Bunnyview Farms. ( I think that's the name) in Ontario.

08-08-02, 04:50 AM
Interesting . thanks walter .. Know any common stores that would seel that in the ottawa region?

08-08-02, 08:28 AM
nearly any home improvement store should have automatic watering systems for gardens. Most should have adapters that will allow connection to the indoor sink faucet. A 1/2-1 inch main line and 1/4 inch line to each enclosure with a valve per line makes watering a breeze. Patio misters (common at outdoor bars here lol) make misting x-large enclosures simple and can probably be adapted to service several smaller enclosurers at once.

08-13-02, 08:17 PM
Well I cleaned out the rodent room today and laid down a new plywood floor. Tested the heat and lights installed a digital thermometer and moved in the rodents that I'm currently working with. In a few weeks I'm going to order a watering system from these guy: www.agselect.com and then I'm going to add more cages and exhaust fan in the window and I'll be all set! Right now I'm looking at 6 cages. 5 will have colonies of 1.3 and the 6 cages will be strictly to grow adults in. I have an extra cage to uses for rotation while cleaning. I have an endless supply of wood chips and a great line on cheep feed. When it is all fully up and running I'll post some pics.
Thanks again for the post.

08-13-02, 11:31 PM
You won't find these in any home improvement or livestock store. If you check out the bean farms site or just type in Variflow you will get lots of info on them. The guy in Ontario will ship anywhere in Canada. That would be your best bet. It will work out cheaper then bringing them across the border. They work really well. I run over 400 valves and very little problems. I have a friend that runs 4000+, same thing. If you want auto this is the way to go. Variflow. get the adjustable one it's better.