View Full Version : Crickets

10-26-03, 07:49 PM
What temperatures should crickets normally be kept at ?

I'm thinking about getting more than my regular 100-or-so a week and keeping them in a rubber maid in the garage, but I don't EXACTLY want to freeze the little buggers over the winter... (I already have enough crickets running around the house as is, so if I were to start getting more cricks less often, I'd prefer to keep the # of loose crickets to a minumum.. y'know?)

I just know how often snow and ice become a problem up here, and I'd hate for there to be an ice or snow storm the day before 'delivery day'...

If this seems at ALL do-able, what type of heat source would I need..? Any ideas ...?

Thanks :D

10-26-03, 08:01 PM
Higher than 80F.

10-26-03, 08:13 PM
Alot of crickets die before you can use them all, thats why i don't buy to many at time.

10-27-03, 05:02 PM
I buy my crix in boxes of 500. I get one size smaller than what I need (so generally buy 1/2") and keep them in my basement. House temp is 72F day and 68F night. I've never had a problem with my crix. Assuming they are healthy to begin with, they've been fine. I would approximate 30ish dead..... and some of that, I think is because I forget to clean it every once in a while. JME