View Full Version : boa constrictors are banned in winnipeg

10-26-03, 11:23 AM
Um according to the City of winnipeg by-laws Boa Constrictors are banned....are all boa's constrictors or is there an actual snake refered to as Boa Constrictor?

here is a link to the by law

So much for me getting a reticulated python in the future

10-26-03, 11:25 AM
I think you could still get Kenyan Sand Boa's and such. Just not BCI's and BCC's and stuff, but don't 100% follow me on that...


10-26-03, 11:31 AM
The way i read the law as stated above is that only hospitals and schools are allowed to have animals listed in the exotic animal by-law...so technically pet stores would not be able to sell them because then they would be in breach of the law for having them

is that valid do you think?

http://www.winnipeg.ca/clerks/pdfs/bylaws/3389.83.pdf once again here is the law

Ryan and Katie
10-26-03, 11:45 AM
There seems to be a large grey area in this bylaw. Many of the latin names listed have been changed since 1983....

10-26-03, 11:52 AM
I know that I want a Burmese Python...but i don't know if they are on the list because i don't know what the latin name is...whoops this is the boa forum (I already have a BRB but i want more snakes)

Frustrating how close-minded people are...They shouldn't ban these animals they should license ownership...That way they could come in and inspect to make sure that the owner is taking proper care of the the animals in respect to safety for both the general public AND the animal itself


/me starts a letter writing campaign...how typically Canadian

10-26-03, 12:07 PM
From a quick google search: burmese python = Python molurus biuittatus, and it looks like Python molorus is banned. They're just getting rid of large boas I suppose.


10-26-03, 12:12 PM
snakelet not all of the snakes listed are large. I wanted a carpet python as well but they are banned too...

gonna start a revolution....Herpers of the world UNITE!!!

argh...didn't even notice that they call it an Indian python in the law...So much for my burmese...:(

10-26-03, 01:08 PM
I know people in Winnipeg that have carpet pythons. Like Ryan and Katie said, a lot of the names look to be outdated. As I understand it, Morelia argus isn't a valid species name. Anyways, you might do better to post this in the Manitoba Herp Society forum, someone there might be more familiar with the laws.


PS- If you think Winnipeg laws are bad, check out Sask laws... Basically we're limited to keeping Colubrids... nice, huh?

10-26-03, 05:18 PM
Indian pythonsare a different species than burms.......that list is WAY outdated.

10-26-03, 06:17 PM
Indian pythonsare a different species than burms.......

No they're not. Same species, different sub-species, Python molurus. They banned Python molurus. This includes all 3 subspecies.

10-26-03, 06:40 PM
All members of the Boa Constrictor complex are banned, as well as Madagascan Ground Boas (lol... how often do you see them up here?). However, they don't have Dumeril's listed. They are a pretty heavy bodied snake, that reaches up to 8', if you were interested in something larger.

10-27-03, 01:24 AM
linds i noticed that too and that is one of the snakes i wanna get...it looks like its the next one cuz its more in my price range...what does an 8 foot boa eat anyway?

10-27-03, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
No they're not. Same species, different sub-species, Python molurus. They banned Python molurus. This includes all 3 subspecies.

Ahh, yes. Sorry bout that guys. My mistake.:D

10-27-03, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
No they're not. Same species, different sub-species, Python molurus. They banned Python molurus. This includes all 3 subspecies.

Ahh, yes. Sorry bout that guys. My mistake.:D

10-27-03, 11:13 AM
Remind me not to move to winnepeg.

10-27-03, 01:14 PM
Ha ha Foman, there's other reasons beside snakes as well!! LOL!

Crappy football team, no hockey team anymore, mosquitoes the size of volleyballs, the weather, etc etc etc.


10-27-03, 02:54 PM
Oh you mean Winterpeg!

10-27-03, 02:57 PM
Yup... Winterpeg Manitscoldout. Winterpeg Manisnowba. I'm sure they've heard it all. :)

10-27-03, 03:22 PM
Ha ha, very funny guys... :) Winnipeg has a lot of great things about it though. And Jeff, the Bombers are going to take home the cup this year, Sydney doesn't even have an AHL team, we can keep an outdoor skating rink in our city and have super nice summers. But you're right about the mosquitoes. :D

Yness, I have carpets and so does Tony (BOAS N PYTHONS). That list is bunk. It was obviously made either by an ignorant government official or on a "by complaint" only basis. If no one has complained about it, it's not on the list. BRB's are fine, ETB's... fine but a Hog Isle Boa... out. GTP’s are fine, Coastals, Jungles and IJ’s are fine but Diamonds aren’t.

My view on the whole thing is that if it doesn't list the specific species or sub-species, you are cool. If it only lists one specific sub-species, the other related sub-species are fine.

I wouldn't bother fighting it. If anything, the by-law would only get worse if it changed. God knows we don't want to end up like Saskatchewan and have all boids banned.

I know people in town who own burms and boas and they just keep it hush, hush. I don’t own anything on the list and I wouldn’t bother trying to because I have made it publicly known that I keep and breed snakes. If you are just some dude who is going to own one as a pet, don’t brag to everyone at work, don’t bring it out on the lawn and don’t put ads in the paper trying to sell it. If you are smart about it, how would they know? Risky but I bet there are more people with burms in Winnipeg than you might think…

Tim Cranwill

10-28-03, 12:03 AM
how encouraging...thanks see you at the meeting
JEFF!!!! THE BOMBERS DO NOT SUCK....show me another qb who can go in and win a clutch game on a messed up ankle and another 5'8 171lb running back who leads the league in rushing>:| love your snakes...football badmouthing not good:P

10-28-03, 12:41 AM
Blink is good, and Safari is good (Milt is the best), but Nealon & Co. are gonna run wild in the semi. Its that simple. I'd bet the farm on it (heh heh, pun intended).

Oh, and Milt makes Jones look good. Yeah, I said it! LOL!


10-28-03, 12:44 AM

10-28-03, 12:59 AM
We have something similar to that in toronto. Not sure exactly everything that is banned but burms are and anything venimous(tarantulas and most scorpions). would have to look more into that.

10-28-03, 03:15 AM
Hey Jeff, want to make a bet? :D

Your first hatched in 2004 for mine? ;)

10-28-03, 03:33 AM
Originally posted by Yness
linds i noticed that too and that is one of the snakes i wanna get...it looks like its the next one cuz its more in my price range...what does an 8 foot boa eat anyway?

Don't take this the wrong way But you say how you wanted to get a Retic and a burm But you want to know what a 8' boa eats?
I hope that you were not serious


10-28-03, 10:02 AM
Burmese...the desire for a giant python is there but it won't happen for a long time (until i have established myself in a house) so I am looking at a 10 year wait for that...I still consider myself in a research phase right now so no worries. I am not rushing into anything involving snakes so that i can do things properly, but thanks for your concern.

10-28-03, 01:26 PM
Hmmmmm...Tim, let me think on it. I went to the game at BC Place last Saturday and Nealon got dinged in the 3rd quarter. I gotta see the reports on how he's doin'..............

10-28-03, 02:03 PM
Hey guys it dosen't matter who wins where cause the LIONS are takin it all this year.

10-28-03, 02:23 PM
Ahhh... do I smell an excuse coming up???? :D

10-29-03, 02:32 AM
Ha ha Foman, I was AT the Lions game when the Riders pummeled them with their BACKUP QB!! Woo-hoo!!

Tim, I'm not chicken. Its just that the Bombers are cheap and play dirty.



10-29-03, 11:48 AM
That's OK we just wanted to go east and whoop Toronto then Montreal before we take out the Eskies.

10-29-03, 01:18 PM
Dammit, I'd rather go East as well! TO and he slumping Als are WAAAAAY easier than the Bummers and Esks.


10-29-03, 09:18 PM
FAVELLE>:( riders, lions, argos, eskies and als...PSHAW!!!
BOMBERS all the way...!!!!!!!!!!
lions will not in any way get past the Allouettes...but toronto is no reason to sweat it...

10-30-03, 03:14 AM
Every team is reason for the Leos to sweat it now. Dave Dickenson slipped in practice and sprained his ankle.

Bummers have NOBODY. Nealon is going to run the option to perfection at CanaInns on Sunday. Even Cranwill thinks so!!


10-31-03, 03:34 PM
all speaces of snake over 5 feet are banned in winnipeg. but they well let you go to 10 feet MAX.

10-31-03, 04:07 PM
Oh? Where does it say that in the by-law?

10-31-03, 04:35 PM
it doesn't i know from experance

10-31-03, 04:40 PM
Well, laws need to be written down to be laws. I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, it's just a rumor as far as I'm concerned....

10-31-03, 06:04 PM
I live in Thunder Bay and we have city bylaws similar to saskatchewan. Who enforces these laws? or is it different depending on where you are? and if I live out of city limits are these laws void?

Simon Sansom
11-01-03, 09:46 AM
Well, these are BY-LAWS, and are not enforced unless an actual complaint has been made.

If no one knows what you've got, then they can't complain, can they??



11-03-03, 09:58 AM
Okay...So DAMMIT. WINNIPEG DOES SUCK THIS YEAR. You will never here me say that again cuz next year we're goin all the way to the cup....b*st*rds

11-03-03, 10:12 AM
here in burlingtion all pytons and boa's are band but one of the stores wher you go to get your dog licens [which means that animal controle is in ther weekly ]has a red tail and a ball so I think they dont care I hope so eny way