View Full Version : My black Throat Monitor

10-26-03, 12:29 AM
Hey Guys,

I just got a new blackthroat monitor about 1 week ago. I've given him minimal handling and i've tried to feed him every 2 days. He has a 150 basking site and he still wont eat. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Steeve B
10-26-03, 12:41 AM
your cooking him! he will most likely die dehydrated if you supply him with 150 basking. babie of all species need higher humidity, tell me more about his cage? size, min max temps, humidity, we need more details to help.

10-26-03, 12:54 AM
eek i agree with steve! you'll have your bbq'd monitor for dinner in no time :(

10-26-03, 01:06 AM
oh **** sorry, i ment to say 115, my bad

10-26-03, 01:31 AM
i was told the need a 120 basking area.

10-26-03, 06:04 PM
115 is ok for a baby, but as steve said lots of humidity and clean water.

10-26-03, 07:13 PM
hes 3 feet

10-26-03, 08:20 PM
3 foot? and hes not eating?

10-26-03, 08:21 PM
a 3 foot monitor not eating is either 100% related to its husbandry, or the fact that its a parasite ridden adult. Where did you get this animal? Do you know its history, fill me in and i'll offer you some advice.

10-27-03, 12:20 AM
Good news, He's eaten. Thanks for the help. He ate a small rat today