View Full Version : Yikes....

08-06-02, 09:18 PM
Almost stepped on this dude this morning. Man, I live in BC, I don't like this crap around me. These things are for people who live in Winterpeg or Ontario, or some other god-forsaken place!!



Tom P
08-06-02, 10:25 PM
What is that?

08-06-02, 10:45 PM
you should have stepted on it!

08-06-02, 10:57 PM
lol.. yes.. u should've.. ahaha

08-06-02, 11:21 PM
Now all of you can't get upset when people say "ewwwwww gross snake" or "chop off that lizards head" etc etc, same ballgame......

Cute little bug. Forget what they are called. Used to play with them all the time when I was a kid, havent seen any around in a long time though...............................

08-06-02, 11:35 PM
I think its a June bug. They click when they fly. Crazy lookin' things. But I couldn't have stepped on it. I would have felt bad. Bad Karma.

08-07-02, 12:10 AM
lol i would not have either actually...LoL But if it was a spider ^%$#&$#&^$%#&^$#SQUISH^%$#*%#$*(^%#$( hehehe

Aztec Fred
08-07-02, 12:22 AM
don't kill it !!!!!!!!

(Their EDIBLE you know!)
Aztec Fred

08-07-02, 12:31 AM
There you go Jeff .. pack it up and mail it to Fred .. He'll eat it.

:D :D

Darren Hamill
08-07-02, 12:34 AM
LOL! I always save those little guys when they get stuck in our mail box! :D

08-07-02, 12:38 AM
Its on the way!!

Mailbox? What the He** kind of mailbox do you have Dom?? :-)

Hey Silvertongue, did we have the spider conversation a couple weeks back??

08-07-02, 03:54 AM
LoL it is very possible!! I hate spiders! What is sad is I wasnt really bothered by them untill I saw arachnaphobia LOL I use to play with daddylonglegs when I was a kid!! Now I cringe when I get near one!!!

08-07-02, 05:06 AM
ey Jeff .. My mailbos is suared and made up of metal .. It is surprisingly shapped perfectly for lettsers ??? How weird is that!!!

LOL sorry Jeff .. I think you were talking to Darren .. I guess u could not stop thinking about me! LOL

As for the bug very gross but Its got all the rights to live, just like any other snake!


08-07-02, 07:48 AM
June bugs around here are solid brown, striped beetles something like that around here would be potato beetle (all farmers kill them on sight) and there are probably many harmless striped ones around too (and not sure the farmers check for differences). If you see another one try to get a macro of it's mouth parts, I would be interested in seeing whether it is a chewer or a sucker.

Big Mike
08-07-02, 08:32 AM
That's one reason I love living up here in the great white north...the cold kills the bugs. Sure we have bugs just like anywhere else but not for the winter months and the ones we do get only have a few months to grow so they are not too big.

08-07-02, 08:54 AM
The ones down here have numbers on their sides and blinky lights on their arse...


08-07-02, 09:47 AM
I find it hard to beleive that all of these Reptile Enthusiasts are bug haters. Insects are great their so cool looking. I save everybug i see . Unless it is kricket than it is
bearded Dragon food.

08-07-02, 10:16 AM
Chewer or sucker? Man, I ain't getting close to that thing. With my luck, its probably a biter!!

Gutter minds...........

08-07-02, 10:18 AM
Sorry Dom. Your mailbox is fine. Its Darren with the f****d up mailbox!! Ha ha.