View Full Version : Hey Every1 What Do You Think About The Leopards???

killer Cichlidz
10-24-03, 08:02 PM
I don't know exactly what to think of these guys........I mean they are a cross between shorttails>>>Black and Borneo. Do you think they should cost as much as Borneos or Blacks or should they just no be reffered to as anything, and not be accepted into the hobby?

I see that these cross-bred Leopard Bloods are being sold on classifieds forums and what has been going through my head is?

"Are they worth what the people ask for?" "Are they going to be accepted later on, will they be worth anything as a adults?" "Would I get anything out of them, say money from babies if I attempted to breed them?"

I am just wondering, because I have no clue what they end up looking like and I am on a serious rampage for a few more kids. I a plan on getting a Borneo and a Red soon to add to my little family.

I thought this would be an interestinf topic for everyone to voice their opinion on the "Leopard Blood".


Grant vg
10-24-03, 08:49 PM

i think the crosses are comparable to empty pop cans, old banana peels, and left over popcorn kernels.

I wouldn't produce them, i wouldn't buy them, nor do i support anyone buying them.

your taking two beautiful species that wouldn't normally cross and breeding them together to produce uglier offspring then both
species produced alone, not to mention the greater possibilities of fertility problems in the future.
They're "mutts" as Aztec fred likes to call em' and offer nothing positive to the hobby or species involved.
Buying one would be supporting a market that will eventually lead to the demise of this great hobby.

Unless your a herpetologist studying the effects of hybridization, i do not support the idea of these leopard bloods or any hybrid for that matter.

if you want to get a good start in bloods, buy some pure animals from reputable blood breeders in the states working hard to keep bloodlines pure rather then being , what one may consider "lazy" and pairing up lone animals for the sole purpose of the powerful Dollar rather then spending the actual money and time to grow two sets of pairs....

However, thats just my extreme bias opinion..:)

grant vg

killer Cichlidz
10-24-03, 08:53 PM
U know, I find it sad that people are acutally putting these snakes up for sale at around 150.00 a piece. People are buying them and to tell you the honest truth, they are uglier now that u mention it, alot uglier.


10-25-03, 04:49 PM
Well said, Grant :D