View Full Version : Soaking

10-24-03, 10:15 AM

how do u go about soaking a snake in warm water? Do u just get a container with warm water, put the snake in it and put a lid on the container? My boa has ate twice but has not defeciated yet. she looks like she has to go and soon. i will wait one more day. before soaking.

Big Mike
10-24-03, 10:29 AM
You are worried over nothing. They don't have to defecate every time they eat. She will go when she goes. If it has been months...then you can start to worry.

As for how you soak a snake...a big Rubbermaid tub, a fish tank, a bath tub...anything really. It does not need a lot of water, just deep enough to get it's body wet. I don't suggest putting it into a container and putting the lid on. Just be there to make sure that does not get out. Make sure that the water is not too hot. If it feel warm to you, it is most likely too hot for the snake. A lot of people just put a water dish, that is big enough for soaking, right into the enclosure so that the snake can soak if it wants to.

10-24-03, 12:00 PM
Man, leave that snake alone. Give it the proper temps to thermoregulate and feed it nice big meals that leave a good lump in it. Its not a kid. It doesn't need "bath time".

Do what Big Mike said.

10-24-03, 04:31 PM
thanks Big Mike, just checking and thanks for the info, will be good to know if I ever have to do that.

And Mr. Favelle, I have the proper temps the snake is fine as Big Mike has stated . And The snake is being left alone.