View Full Version : Thankfully...

10-24-03, 01:08 AM
...I just had two rather special crested gecko eggs hatch.

I lost the first crested gecko I'd ever hatched. She was about 3 years old. She laid her two only eggs shortly before she died.

They just hatched tonight. One is a tiger with a nice reddish rust color.

And this is the other:

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/502/133redcrested.jpg">

Mom was a very nice orange gecko. This one has hatched an awful lot like she did, but the coloring is actually more rich.

10-24-03, 04:34 AM
what a cutie~

sorry about your loss, but the new borns are great looking and really cute!

10-24-03, 11:21 AM
Congrats on your new borns!!! Sorry about the loss, do you know the cause of death?


10-24-03, 11:48 AM
Cute baby, sorry to hear about mom.

10-24-03, 09:45 PM
Congrats on the babies -- I had a similar situtation with a leo this year, those babies are definitely extra close to my heart -- one went to a friend, and the other is staying with me :)

Best of luck with the little ones :)

10-24-03, 10:07 PM
lovely hatchling. too bad about the mother.

10-25-03, 08:23 AM
I'm so sorry about your gecko..... that's really too bad. that's a beautiful hatchling though :)