View Full Version : ???'s about Rosie Boas

10-23-03, 11:16 PM
I saw a pair of rosy boas for sale today, and was wondering what you all could tell me about them ie: temperment, husbandry, diet? I presently have 2 BCI and 1 BP. Any info wouldbe great. Also, what is a pine snake?

10-23-03, 11:22 PM
The new 2004 Reptiles Annual magazine has a great 8 page articel on Rosy Boas. You should check it out. From what it say in the article, they are great snakes due to their calm disposition and east maintenence. There diet is mice. It says in the article that is it better to feed several smaller mice instead of one huge mouse, this helps the snake digest food better. Like i said grab the magazine, it will help you out alot.


10-24-03, 12:33 AM
I have 3 rosy boas right now. They are great!
One of the most tame snakes around. Slow and like to explore a lot. Lovely little snakes that don't go over 3 feet and the price for them is good too~
I'd say it's definately one of the best snakes out there!

10-24-03, 08:27 AM
Rosy boas are great additions to any collection. They are incredibly docile, usually eat like machines, and are even great to look at.

10-24-03, 12:33 PM
Temperament: Awesome. These snakes rarely ever bite unless it's a feeding response. They are slow-moving and extremely tolerant of handling.

Husbandry: These are one of the few snakes that can actually thrive in an aquarium. Well-ventilated, low humidity, offer water once every 1-3 weeks. I have kept mine on crushed walnut, carefresh, and paper towel. I just stick to papertowel now for feeding ease. They love to burrow so they need to be able to get in the layers. Roy uses a product called beta-chip with much success. They are lab grade hardwood chips. I haven't used it so I cannot comment from personal experience.

Diet: Mice or rats. Usually mice due to their size. Typically good feeders. Most don't handle large meals well and its not good to offer water at the same time as a meal either, or it may cause your snake to regurge. I wouldn't feed numerous small items, just one. Even several small items makes up a large meal size in the end.

A pine snake is a relatively large colubrid in the Pituophis family. Check out the Colubrid forum for any questions or comments on them ;)

DNA Reptiles
10-24-03, 12:46 PM
Yes, great snakes to handle and care for. David has been breeding them for many years - Mexican and Mid-Baja...Bay of L.A., and White Water Canyon.

10-24-03, 01:48 PM
They're not all clam. Some are quite nippy. My Mid-baja for exaple will try to eat me every chance it gets.

10-24-03, 08:39 PM
Instead of posting a new thread, ill just add to this one. From what i read, i decided that a rosy will be my next herp (most likely in Jan or Feb). However, who sells them in Canada and how much do they usually go for?


10-24-03, 09:10 PM
They sound like good snakes. Perhaps that will be the next addition to my house. Hubby even said" They are pretty" and he does not like snakes.

Steve: I was looking at a breeding pair for $300cdn, but that is on Vancouver Island.Long way to go for a snake

10-24-03, 09:35 PM
I know that Roy Stockwell (he's also on this forum) that sells these~
he's one of the best rosy boa guys around.
Also Ian Miur over in BC also sells these.
I, myself sold 1 albino rosy boa out too~ Hopeing to get more next year. But maybe next year I'll be keeping a few back..so not a lot...besides...they only produce around 2-6 a year...sucks right?

I sold my baby albino rosy boa for $450. Maybe next year it might be even higher if the demand is right.

But regular rosies go for $80-$200 (as babies and depending on where you get them)

10-24-03, 10:59 PM
Thanks for the kind words Simon!!
I'm sold out of Rosies for 03, but there will be even more come next season.(Aug & Sept)
Hope to produce my first San Gabriels, San Mateas pass(San Felipe), Mid Baja's, & Borregos(she slugged out this year).
There should be more , Deserts and several litters of south Baja trivs as well.
With luck 05 should bring albino and het Limburgs,and I'm really looking forward to that.

Also in 05 I hope to produce my first snow Kenyans, in addition to all other Kenyan morphs, including Amels het for Anery, Anerys het for Amel, and double hets.
Also a quick update on the new Chocolate Kenyans.
They have shed and all 3 have eaten.
They sure are different looking, and look even better now after a shed and two meals. It's pretty interesting to have a new phenotype crop up. As they grow, I'll put up pics now and then.
If it proves to be genetic, that will give rise to other things yet unseen when I mix them with the other mutations. Chocolates crossed with Amels, could end up producing some new kind of snow.
I also intend to mix the "nuclear" kenyans with Amels, to hopefully make the orange nicer on albinos. Many of the Albino Kenyans on the market are currenly faded and wishy washy looking. There is lots of room for improvement on their color and contrast.
Lots of fun projects ahead!
San Mateus Rosy
Albino coastal Rosy (Limburg)
Some Kenyans- Anery het amel/Amel het Anery/ "nuclear"(my high orange line)

10-25-03, 12:20 AM
Sweet pics, i like the San Mateus Rosy teh best.


10-25-03, 12:42 PM
Those are not kind words. Those are things that you have earned throughout the years of experience and good reputation that you have yourself built (this cannot be earned with out years of good reputation.) So I wasn't saying any kind words, just telling the truth.

Those photos of the San Maeteus Rosy, Albino coastal Rosy (Limburg), and the Kenyans- Anery het amel/Amel het Anery/ "nuclear"(high orange line) are amazing! But really...Kenyans doesn't do it to me too much...but I am definately interested in getting the Limburg albinos rosys....and maybe the San Maeteus Rosy....man....I better sell most of my 'unwanted' corns fast...or else I wont have the money or room to get the Lumburgs or the San Mateus Rosy~

11-04-03, 04:16 PM
Wow! I didn't think I wanted a rosie boa until I saw those Kenyans! They are beautiful. Are they more expensive?

11-04-03, 04:31 PM
Roy, all I need is an albino and I too can make myself a kenyan smorgasborg!

I'm just seething with jealousy.

In any case, yes rosy boas are great snakes! I had up to 11 at one point, of various localities. Best advice I can give, don't let babies get wet.

11-08-03, 01:58 PM
I have 6 rosy boas right now, and 5 more on the way here. All have been pretty good-but I've found they can be nippy when they are hungry.

Otherwise, they have made great pets for me! Here's what I have so far:


San Gabriel
Lower Mexican


Mexican/Az-Chocolate cross
San Gabriel/Morongo Valley cross

and on the way:

pair of El Rosarios
pair of Limburgs 100% het red-eyed albino
female Kofa Mountains

I can't wait til they get here! Guess I better get to work on that rack system... :)
