View Full Version : Favourite TV Herper
10-23-03, 10:32 PM
Let me know if your favourite aint here!
Austin Stevens. Herpetologist/Photographer. He's not on as much as the rest listed, but you can see him on Animal Planet once in a while.
10-23-03, 10:47 PM
Austin Steven s only has one documentary, so I would not consider him to be a tv herper, and he doesn t have a series anyways!
Ok... I've seen four. You never said series... "herper on television?"
There's another guy names Jules Sylvester (sp?) thats pretty good.
10-24-03, 11:09 AM
i took corwin only because of his humour, this guy is a riot , i cant help but laugh when he's clowning
10-24-03, 11:10 AM
I voted O'Shea but you forgot about DR. Brady Barr... :) He's pretty good too.....
I forgot about Brady Barr. He is pretty decent. I think he overdramatizes sometimes though.
10-24-03, 07:13 PM
What about the bug guy, the one who is french but does all his documentaries in english. He looks like one too.
oh yeah, george brassard or something like that. The accent is horrible, but its fun to watch his show.
But im going with O'shea.
Nigel Marvin, Austin Stevens, Brady Barr, Jules Sylvester. All very infomative and entertaining. But they don't have their own series!!! LOL... You need a series? Lame skater d00d.
Rob Bredl is astounding. The depth at which he understands the animals he works with is awe inspiring. His love for reptiles shines through in his work.
Such a genuinly passionate reptile lover he is.
*Claps hands*
10-25-03, 03:46 PM
I like Irwin and Corwin..they're funny as to watch them..but I love Nigel Marven.. =)
Corwin is an educated guy and so is Steve Irwin, believe it or not, but O'shea is by far the most realistic, I have seen him get tagged it is real enough while the others are somewhat staged...
I like Rob Bredl's show. It has that realistic feel to it, and a lot of the stuff he talks about makes sense.
10-25-03, 07:31 PM
Enso, why are you rippin on me?
1. I'm kind of an a-hole. 2. You asked "Let me know if your favourite aint here!" I did and so did others, but because they don't have a "series" and aren't mainstream they aren't counted.
It's just a poll and I apologize. I like who I like and my favorite herper(s) are not on the list.
Corwin annoys me....Irwin....funny but too showy...Bredl...never seen him....I really like O'Shea, he is realistic and educational...
Siretsap, the guy from Insectia is hilarious especially when he talks about Dragonflies....all they want do do is sex, drug and rock and
10-26-03, 08:33 AM
it is a mark between rob bretl and steve irwin but i chose rob cuz not only dose he teach us about the animals he also teaches us about how to survive in the wild
10-26-03, 06:30 PM
Yea, I have one of his episodes and he teaches how to find and cook wild rats, crabs, fish and clams using a fire that has been put out and covered with a bit of sand.
11-02-03, 10:18 PM
irwin > all
They're all cheesy and over-produced, but if I had to pick from the list, I'd go with Corwin.
11-12-03, 10:04 PM
When can I catch O'Shea on the tube. What station/time?
11-24-03, 10:03 PM
Steve Irwin is my hero. lol
11-24-03, 10:12 PM
anyone know exactly what time on the animal channel oshea is on? I wanna see one of his shows, i voted for irwin..i love him, he got me into herps and i see him a lot...i havnt seen oshea, maybe ill change my mind. I have satalite so if you know when oshea's on tell me what time if you know..thanks!
11-24-03, 10:40 PM
Both Corwin and O'shea (for those on the list) have a college education under their belts, so I know what they say is correct for the most part. Good shows too. Corwin I like, goofy and off the wall like myself. O'shea is just down right a great field researcher. I would have to pick them as a tie for different reasons.
Irwin, on the other hand, is alright and all, but in real life is somewhat a boring fella (so I have heard..heh) and I have seen him make mistakes about snakes and other herps on some of his shows, but all in all I like him. Does not seem all that bad in general, also the first herp series I have seen. Rob Bredl, the other Aussie, is pretty smart and does some good work, knows his stuff. Love his barefoot ways.
Kyle Walkinshaw
11-24-03, 11:00 PM
Rob Bredl is awsome!! Very knowledgable and quite entertaining :) My vote goes to him..
11-24-03, 11:07 PM
Jeff Corwin. He is joker, smart and he handles animals properly.
Mark O'shea would be great if he didn't get bit so many frigging times.
Steve Irwin would be ok with me if he used a hook.
The guy from killer instincts. He is really educated about the ozzy animals for sure. But I have not seen him talk about anything else. And again, it’s the issue of using a hook that knocks him down in my books.
Steve Lenard knows a little bit but he focus's on everything so his knowledge is spread out. when it comes to reptiles and calling snakes "poisonous" and things like that, it bothers me easily, lol.
Just my thoughts.
Scotty Allen
11-25-03, 05:47 AM
Have to go with Mark O'Shea on this one simply because I've had the pleasure of putting away a few beers and a few meals with him. A real stand up guy with a genuine love for the animals he works with and immense feeling for his "fans." I can't imagine very many others spending both days of numerous two day shows sitting behind a table chatting and signing autographs. My hat's off to you sir.
11-25-03, 06:35 AM
i have to go with irwin... i havn't seen many of his shows as they arn't really shown on TV over here in aus (or where i live anyway). but he has put more into the conservation for our country then any other person i know of. from memmory he put in half of his profits to conservation last year. this may sound like a really high amount, but because he is putting so much into the conservation for out country he don't have to pay tax... very smart bloke indeed
irwin seems to have life experience w/ herps. and he's australian which makes him cool, and i think he got his thumb bit off by a crocodile which makes him even cooler, and he has this special bond/admiration for animals and he's the only tv herper i've ever seen. so there.
12-05-03, 02:16 PM
I had to pick jeff, hes the funniest guy!
12-05-03, 02:28 PM
The one i like to watch the most is by a mile Jeff Corwin, the guy is just too damn funny.
But Rob Bredl seems to be the most knowledgeable. Plus the fact that he is absolutely nuts, besides sitting on a big nile croc's *** for 10 minutes pissing it off and eating fish guts....he was free handling a Coastal Taipan like it was nothing...i mean...who the hell free handles something like that without pissing their own pants??
Kudos to all of them.
02-19-04, 04:12 PM
i said O'Shea, he is passionate about learning new species etc.
but that bare footed bushmen guy! i dunno if you have all mentioned him, i think you have but i only know him as the barefooted bushman. he never wears shoes and is a small fat australian guy with a manky beard! he is awesome.
02-19-04, 04:27 PM
I dont know his name either but the BUSH MAN rules !!!!! Steve irwin is just a show off
02-20-04, 08:39 PM
Mark O'shea!!
02-20-04, 08:56 PM
I like all three it is a toss up all three shows have good info jeff is funny and Rob bredl and his bare feet rock to.
02-20-04, 09:08 PM
Jeez, I have a hard enough time finding shows about snakes and crocs on Discovery!
Do you guys all have satellite or something? Even with Bit Torrent I don't get to catch that many documentaries.
Ya, most of the shows play on animal planet... Jeff Corwin, Irwin, and Mark O'Shea, though I've never seen his shows, when do they play? Also, that Austin Stevens guy seems like his show is staged. In one episode, he played with a 17 foot green anaconda like it was a dog, and he also did the same to a lesser extent with a king cobra...
02-22-04, 09:41 PM
i picked jeff corwin because i have watched that show when it was on disney and also because the humor but steve irwin's acsent is so funny also
bredl's show seems really staged quite often. He also kills alot of things ( usually for food ), and i saw him harpooning crocs in order to catch them. Show is fun to watch, but i definately don't agree with all his methods. That said, he does have quite a talent.
Steve Irwin is my fav though.
My favourite is Dr. Brady Barr, who does have his own series. It's called Crocodile Chronicles, and is on The National Geographic channel every day at 3:30pm.
03-17-04, 07:30 PM
i think if any of those four have a staged show it is obviosly steve erwin, i like that crazy bare footed auzzy, hes nuts! not olny does he know alot about herps but he teaches you survival to, as for a hook if he knows how to use it without harming the snake, which obviosly he does their is nuthing wrong with it
Double J
03-17-04, 07:51 PM
I went with O'Shea... he is ugly as sin, but his show seems a little more research oriented than the others.
Steve Irwin.... I think he is fabulous. He has done a lot to put the herp community in the good books of the public eye. He is definitely the best showman of them all. The only reason he was not my first pick, is because of how staged the show seems sometimes.
I love the guy from Insectia. He is a riot
Double J
03-17-04, 08:24 PM
Irwin has been my fav for years now but since he pulled that stunt with his kid i lost some respect for him. so i went with corwin.
03-17-04, 08:35 PM
I like Jeff and Irwin but O'shea is the only guy i don't like because the episode when he was searching for king cobras and saw one eat a ratsnake he was laughing about it.
03-17-04, 08:39 PM
O'Shea is the man...smartest and best out of the whole lot of them all! That is what King Cobras do as other what is so bad about laughing about it? He was merely stating the obvious about that species...pffft...
i just got animal planet, when is o'shea on?
03-17-04, 09:28 PM
yeah i like the bush man.. or the guy on the show Killer somthing or other..
04-10-04, 01:36 PM
there all ok, irwin is a bit of a tit sumtimes, and so is corwin,
but that braedy barr guy, i hate him with a passion, just makes me want to punch his head in
Deffinately jeff Corwin!!! He educates without being boring plus he has a great sense of humour even during the tense moments.
Did anyone see the show called "Top 10 venomous" I think that's what it was called. The man catching the snakes was a photograpgher and some kind of herpetologist. He was really stupid!! In that one show he was bit twice! I think both times they were cobras. It was clear to me this man had a death wish. So if you want to see stupidity in action watch that program.
04-15-04, 12:56 AM
Steve Irwin is definitely the best, Corwin is the worst tv herper ever, i can't even stand to watch his show its so fake.
04-15-04, 01:30 AM
Steve Irwin is my hero. I think is great! I love how he tries to put as little stress on the animals as possible.
indeed!steve irwin is my hero too,c'mon,who can just stand there while a 5 foot retic is biting the hell out of his arms,meanwhile the guy is yelling crieky!check out that bite!
steve irwin hands down.
jeff corwin should be on zoombomapho with the kratt brothers!
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