View Full Version : how can i judge infrared light

10-23-03, 01:47 PM
When I set up my tank i thought that a UTH would be enough for at night and my uv during the day...it is getting cooler and now i am worried bout night time temperatures...i have a brb and am wondering what strength of Infrared light to use (wattage) at night to help with the temp..i have a tank that is 1 foot (w) by 3 feet (l) by 1.5 feet (h).

Also i use repticarpet for substrate but am thinking of using newspaper....it seems to be all the rage...I am concerned about keeping it moist. Does the substrate have to be moist...my snake has taken to going under the carpet on the side that does not have the uth on it..is that normal for a brb....heh

I will be getting a lamp tomorrow....thanx
I was going to post a pic of my tank but i don't have any clear pics on my computer...i know i have one on a cd somewheare but cannot find it

10-23-03, 02:05 PM
Forget the lamp.

My BRBs have the same setup.. And they allways stay on the cool side in their humid hide box. I have a small 25w bulb simply for the day/night cycle. They don't need hot tanks.

Don't raise your temps too high, they really don't like that..

And you should put this thread in the Epicrates Forum, you'll get better answers and quicker.


10-23-03, 02:09 PM
To answer your question...
It is impossible for us to tell you what wattage lights to use, as their are so many variables involved. It's just a trial and error thing pretty much.

Number Two...
That setup is no good for a BRB. Tanks do not hold humidity or heat. By cutting of the airflow to increase humidity, you are creating a stagnant environment which spores thrive in. Reptile carpetting is probably the last thing you will want to use as well, especially in a moist, stagnant environment. BRB love to burrow....they will get under whatever substrate, which is another reason carpet sucks for them. Lights are also the last method of heating you would ever want to use. What are the daytime temps and what are the temps your are worried about at night?