View Full Version : aww man =(

10-22-03, 08:26 PM
I will never ever get live rat pups (5) feed 2 and end up killing the others by flicking them in the head man.. I fill Like like **** and very low now.......:(

10-22-03, 08:27 PM
Definitely buy dead prey... makes things easier if you don't like killing them.


10-22-03, 08:47 PM
Thats nature......try getting your snakes onto F/T prey......TONS easier........I couldn't feed live if I had to......I would have to have someone else feed live....

10-22-03, 08:49 PM
ya i know how u feel, i was sensitive at first, but u get de-sensitized to the vilonce, especaly when u have to kill ur own rabbits, but like zoe said stick to buying them already dead

10-22-03, 10:33 PM
yea,it's hard,i have one animal that will only eat live,i don't mind feeding him mice,but i've gotten stuck before,and had to feed him other things,i once had to feed him some baby degu's,lol,they were really cute,and it wasn't an easy thing to do....i find pinky rats and pinky mice the easiest things to feed live,since they don't put up a fight,and they don't see it coming it's all over rather quick,but ya...i'd have trouble having to kill something myself