View Full Version : nice..so far so good

10-21-03, 08:26 PM
well now for the second time my snake has eaton..so now its been a perfect schedual since last tuesday..for those who dont know my snake didnt eat until last week..didnt eat for the first month i owned him but now hes on schedule..it was awsome i was defrosting the mouse and i took it out and right away he poped out of his hide..think it was a coinsedence(sp) or do you guys think he smelt it from about 6 metres away from his tank is where i was?

there a bit blurry causs i had to downsize them quite a bit


10-21-03, 08:27 PM
next week im gonna try to get him on rats..do you think its to early to try since he has only eating twice successfully?

10-21-03, 08:58 PM
get him on rats ASAP. Just find one thats about the same size as the adult mouse.....You don't want a 4ft BP that only eats mice!

10-21-03, 09:10 PM
lol true..do you know the best way to convert him? They told me to rub a rat with a mouse..should i defrost them both and litterally just rub them together? is there anything else i can try aswell?

10-21-03, 09:18 PM
Congrats and best of luck on converting him/her to rats!!!


10-21-03, 10:22 PM
Good to hear he's eating for you,he's a nice lookin ball.

10-21-03, 11:50 PM
Congrats on him eating for you again :)

As for converting -- before you start trying any tricks, honestly just defrost a rat and see what happens. LOL... I didn't have any problems at all with my bp, he took rats as soon as I offered them to him -- no scenting or anything required. Give it a shot :) If you try with a rat a couple of times and don't have any luck, then you can try scenting etc...

10-22-03, 10:09 AM
well when i had him for the first month he didnt take any rats and the second i got a mouse he snatched it thats why im almost positive i have to scent it

10-23-03, 10:31 AM
Yeah, mine had no trouble going from mice to rats. But tell us how it goes now when u try a rat :) If it doesnt work then u might have to try the "rubbin' trick" GOOD LUCK!!!