View Full Version : Looking for recommendations for my next snake...

10-21-03, 07:17 PM
I've had my BP for a couple of months now and am hooked on snakes. I'd like to get a second, maybe even third snake but am looking for some ideas. I know it's all a matter of opinion, etc. But I'm curious what others might recommend. I'd like something that is the same size as or smaller than a BP and not too difficult to care for. And preferably a species with less humidity requiremets.


10-21-03, 08:05 PM
are u looking for a Boid or just any snake??? some snakes that i dont know alot about but hear good things about are kenya sand boas and rossy boas, or if u wanna stick with pythons u could try possobly a children's python

10-21-03, 08:06 PM
opps sorry. I'm really open to any suggestions. I've never heard of a children's python. Are these difficult to get?

10-21-03, 09:01 PM
Corn snakes.....they come in all colors, are slender, but get anywhere from 3.5-6ft long. But about a 20 gal (long) to 30 gal should be fine for an adult......or even a large rubbermaid.....

sand boa's, rosy boa's, are the first thing that comes to mind but I don't know their humidity requirements. But everything else has atleast a 50% humidity requirement....

Like I said, corn snakes, great eaters, TONS of diff. colors, they get big, but stay small in how big around they are.

10-21-03, 09:15 PM
i was looking at sand boa's before i got my ball and last time at the show they had beutiful ones..they dont get very big and they dont need a very humid enclosure at all..since they live on sand. There really cool and when they burrow its awsome..reminds me of that movie with the giant worms :) cant remember the name though..anyone?

10-21-03, 09:17 PM
"Tremors" with Kevin Bacon :)


10-22-03, 07:47 PM
i would recommend a hog island boa, a bit more advanced and a tiny bit bigger then a BP but theyre awesome. also ive heard corn snakes are great, they get 3.5-6 feet but are very thin and require a smaller enclosure then a BP also.


10-22-03, 10:02 PM
cal kingsnake:grab:

10-22-03, 10:24 PM
Kenyan sand boas ..I have 2 and the colours are great ... everyone is somewhat different ... and they are easy to feed ..I take mine out of the tank and put it into a warm small rubbermaid ..simply drop a thawed mouse in and bam .. done in 5 min ... its great ...I find jvis hide more ..I have an adult female and she goes in and out of the sand all the time .. its great

10-23-03, 01:07 AM
the movie i think of with sand boas is " dune"

10-23-03, 08:51 AM
Corn snake.

10-26-03, 10:31 AM
I am thinking King Snake myself. I just go with fate though, if the right deal comes along and it all comes together then I have a new acquisition, if not then oh well iit wasn't meant to be.

10-26-03, 11:30 AM
Children's or Spotted python! My Spotted Python was my first snake and now I want every snake in that Antaresia Grouping (Children's, Spotted, Anthill and Stimson's). They're absolutely amazing and VERY easy to care for.
