View Full Version : Northern brown snake...

10-21-03, 04:55 PM
anyone ever seen or caught, or have any captive care on a northern brown snake?

10-21-03, 07:11 PM
Captive care is probably the same as other Storeria. Deep substrate, preferably moist. Not wet, but moist. best to just spray on side of the enclosure. Usually eat earthworms and slugs. I have heard that some have been known to eat insects. Temps a lil cooler than say a corn. Basking site around 80-82F is good enough. Make sure you don't use heat pads on these guys as their burrowing lifestyle can lead them to get too close to the bottom of the container and they'll over heat. Snakes in the wild burrow to escape the heat from the sun, but with a heat pad it'll be suicide.

Other than that, I haven't seen or caught one unfortunately. Good luck.