View Full Version : My new rescue baby!

10-20-03, 05:05 PM
I just got this handsome bugger today. He needs some work, a vet check and some TLC, but I think he has potential to recover fully and look good! He's about 5'5 right now, good girth and muscle tone. His nose is all cut up from scraping against screen and he has bites from live rodents. Not to mention he is very dehydrated and *may* have parasites (when I can do a fecal, I'll find out for sure). He's "crispy" all over, and his skin is loose, but I've put a little pedialite in his water and given him a nice, warm, humid rubbermaid. He looks like as$ right now, but I think with some time and care and polysporin (miracle stuff!) he'll look wonderful.

Here you get an idea of how crispy he is. The picture doesn't look too bad, but it's much worse in RL. I'm hoping its only dehydration!


These are pictures of the sores on his nose which, once again, look considerably worse in RL. I put some polysporin on it, and he's in a rubbermaid now, not a tank, so it should heal now!




10-20-03, 05:08 PM
Good luck with him Zoe, Congrats with the new rescue now he will have a better life


10-20-03, 07:16 PM
Good luck with him, I'm sure you'll have him as good as new in no time!

10-20-03, 09:21 PM
Congratulations on rescuing such a beautiful animal. I hope he heals up well for you. Be sure to keep us updated on his progress.

10-20-03, 09:27 PM
I'm sure he will be ok, he looks to be a beauty beige colour. Good Luck with him.

10-20-03, 09:30 PM
Congrats and best of luck with the rescue!!! :D


10-20-03, 11:08 PM
That poor fellow. I wish you both good luck. Although it sounds like with you taking care if him luck may not be neccesary.

10-21-03, 12:21 AM
Good luck, it's great to see a neglected pet find a beter home!!!!!

10-21-03, 09:57 AM
Yeesh. Poor baby! Glad he's found a better home. Keep us updated on him ;)

10-21-03, 10:03 AM
Good for you. It is great that he found you. He will be alot happier now.