View Full Version : Feeding Baby Corns! HELP!
08-05-02, 09:05 AM
Anyone have any tips on getting baby corns to eat??? My usual feeding scheme doesnt seem to be working for them... lol Ive never owned a colubrid before! any help would be GREAT!
08-05-02, 09:53 AM
Hey Jeff when I get a hatchling that does not want to feed I place them in a deli cup with a split brain pinkie, works for me 95% of the time, if they won't feed still, I will pinkie pump for about 4/5 times, than try again GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
Well there are lots of things that you can do.
1) F/T pinky
2) F/T (warmed with warm water) pinky
3) F/T brained pinky
4) F/T pinky head
5) Fresh killed pinky
6) Live pinky
7) Live brained pinky
8) Try all the above methods but with scented/rubbed on lizard
Note: Before trying another method, leave the hatchling alone for at least 3 days. So offer it food one day and it doesn't eat, leave him/her in there for at least 3 days (providing water and as little disturbance as possible) and re-offer it food with the second method and so on....
If all of these doesn't work, try posting again and I'll give you some more ideas. Usally these things should work most of the time!!
Good Luck and Happy Herping!
08-06-02, 10:31 AM
a lot of times a stubborn eater will go for a pink that has had it's head dipped in unsalted chicken broth also.
Interesting idea Rev...
Chris @ C.H.S.
08-06-02, 08:42 PM
Hey Jeffy,
Here's THE best way to get 'em eatin'.
1} Gimme your Biak's
2} Gimme your Emmie
3} Buy me beer.
4} Keep the 'conda.
5} Buy me more beer.
or... call me and I'll help ya get 'em goin'.
Chris @ Corns "R" Us!
P.S. yep, 2 down...187 or somethin' like that, more ta go.
08-07-02, 04:30 AM
LOL!!! Thanks for that great advice Chris!!!! But i got one down and 1 to go! lol the deli cup worked for one! the fatter one doesnt seem interested though, i guess i will try live in a few days!! this whole colubrid thing is interesting! these critters are so darn cute! thanks again Chris and ill see you soon! :)
Make sure you use lots of butter and salt and pepper. I like mine sometimes with red chile powder also. Just kidding. Seriously here are a few suggestions.
1. Place the little corn in a small paper bag with the pink.
2. Try feeding it a thawed pink.
3. The splitting of the head to expose brain matter sometimes works.
4. Lizard scent. Feeder lizards are sometimes available. You can rub the pink with the lizard and this might work.
5. Pinky pumps!
hmm i won't metion anything other people have alreday said but a tip would be maybe...
* try feeding during the night to stimulate it into hunt mode and also to make him/her to feel more secure.
- when my corn was small she was very jumpy and wouldn't feed if her daylite bulb was in or if she could sense someone watching her.
* try putting her in a small enclosed area like a a dark small plastic container with the pinkie. and leve her over night if it's not gone in the moring get rid of the mouse and try again the next night.
- try and sent the mouse or split it's brain that will make it easyier yup they are so cute
You can also try rubbing the pinks with a Leopard or other lizard. Lizard smell makes them feed like hell!
08-28-02, 09:29 PM
hhaha.. chris's suggestion is the best i think.. haha ;)
08-28-02, 10:44 PM
Hi, Jeff try a live pinky wait 5-10 min if this does not work pick the baby up, and hold the pinky in the other hand and try to get the corn to eat while holding it. just hold the baby about mid body and put the pinky up to the corns face. it should strike and take it down right in your palm. I had to do that for one of my hatchlings and now it eats on it own..
good luck
Ahh, Lovely corns. Well Don't get discouraged with the corn, Depending on how old it is and where you got it from it might just be getting ready to shed. The Deli Cup/Brained Pinky is about the best thing to get a stubborn snake to eat. Other then that just give it time. If its about ready to shed give it a few days and try again. Make sure you poke holes in your deli cup (doubt I have to tell you but just making sure) T-Rex Sells some Good products like "Mouse Maker" and "Lizzard Maker" they are Scented products that will encourage snakes to feed. But if you just purchased the snake, Within the past few days give her a bit longer before you break out the pinky pump. My corn was stubborn too, Probably just getting used to her surroundings. takes some time. Now she eats pinkies on command even when I'm holding her. Some other tricks to try.
Using the deli Cup
1. Brain the pinky (split the head open with a knife) 95% effective
2. put the snake in the cup in back in her enclosure (good ventilation a must.
3. Give her some space. Maybe the snake wants some privacy give her 6-12 hours alone with the pinky and nothing else.
4. using tongs or latex gloves (non powdered) try bumpin the pinky against the snakes body (not the nose of the snake)
and remember new snakes will probably shed about every 2 weeks so if she sheds in the next few days I bet she will eat like a horse the next day.
Good luck.
08-29-02, 07:35 AM
Making the pinkie "hang out" just out side the corns hide hole works well for me. I move the mouse around with tongs and the snakes usually go for it.
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