View Full Version : My baby beardie looks sick.!.!.!.!.!

10-19-03, 09:49 PM
Hey everyone..
A friend of mine has 2 baby bearded dragons living in a 20 gallon tank on sand..
The smallest one (4 months old) seems to have something stuck in his throat (looks hard like harden feces).
He's not eating as he is unable to swallow or drink from his water dish... Seems to be heaving breathing...
He is still active but just doesnt seem able to eat...
what should i do??

10-19-03, 09:51 PM
I would take him to a vet asap!!!!

Big Mike
10-20-03, 08:58 AM
Sand is not good for beardies and is especially bad for baby dragons. Get your friend to take the little guy to a vet and put both of them on a safe substrate...Paper towels or news paper would be the best thing until they are older.

10-21-03, 05:55 PM
Ya for babys, sand isnt great for them. Hmmmm one question, where did you get the dragon???A pet store???If so i dont blame you, if its sick or whatever, cause i got one from a pet store the next day it got sick........and passed away, So if you can try to go to a show or find a breeder. some baby dragon, dont drink so dishs, so try and put a drip of water on the tip of this mouth. Kepp us posted


10-21-03, 06:48 PM
Something has been wrong for a long time if 2 4 month old dragons can fit in a 20 gallon. One beardie generally outgrows a 20 when it's 2 or 3 months old. Please get your friend to get both of them to a vet as soon as possible.