View Full Version : What's the average adult weight

10-19-03, 07:17 PM
of males and females?

Thank you.

10-19-03, 07:21 PM
Well for what it's worth females are considered sexually mature at 1500g and males between 600g-800g. I'd have to say an avarage for both would be about 2000g.

10-19-03, 08:06 PM
I might add to Trev's excellent post that the range of BP adult weight is so great that an average number is pretty much usless for any sort of conclusions. Now if you asked what's the min. weight I can breed females at, or what's the size in relation to number of eggs in a clutch, etc etc, that would be different. Those are real questions with real implications. But the average is just a number that will tell you nothing. They range from 1200g to 6,500g.

I guess "mode" might tell you more. Mode being the number (weight) occuring most frequently in the data. Hmmm......