View Full Version : Me and my new BCI

10-19-03, 07:14 PM
A buddy asked me for a pic to give him the idea of the size of my 11lbs boa.


Unfortunately there are two things working against me in this pic. One is that my wife has never used the digi before and two the snake would not stay still for one sec. She was more active then a corn it was crazy.
Hope you like her,

10-19-03, 07:16 PM
Wow... that is a beautiful boa!!!! BCC or BCI?


10-19-03, 07:24 PM
BCI. Her colours are much better in person. I'm much better in person too! Oh well we can't all be as pretty a Favelle. Say where is magnum any way Jeff?

10-19-03, 07:31 PM
Nice Snake Trevor.

I would say that there is an additional thing working aganst you in that pic and it ant the boa or the cam.

So how many more Boas do you need now 2?

All the best man

10-19-03, 07:32 PM
Could it be I look like your younger brother?
Smart A$$,

10-19-03, 07:36 PM
Oh man, you and your striped t-shirts! ;)

Gorgeous boa!! She's really got some beautiful colours!

Good luck with her!

10-19-03, 07:40 PM
Very nice boa!!!


10-19-03, 07:41 PM
Oh man, you and your striped t-shirts!
I know it's terrible! I've got one other stripe shirt in three different colours. What can I say I'm a creature of habbit.
Thanks for noticing, wise guy. Next time we meet I'll where something with out strips I promise./

10-19-03, 07:49 PM
If you keep that shirt long enough it may come back in style, but lets hope not.

Trev, I thought yor where focusing on smaller boids and balls,
is this a pet or a breeder.

Save some room for a monitor or two man


10-19-03, 07:54 PM
Really nice lookin girl you got there Trevor.

You can ship her to me any time :)

10-19-03, 08:42 PM
For now Brian let's say pet. And hey lay off the shirt man! It's the only piece of Gap crap I have don't you know.
Het I must say I'm getting pretty attached to her. The kids at school are going to freak when they see her. So far the biggest I've brought in was a 2000g+ ball.

Dave G
10-19-03, 08:53 PM
Hey Trev,

I see, not bad at all. Nice condition. I need to step out of the film world and get a digicam so you can see my female B.c.i, these days.... Anyway this is what I was thinkng.. remember our dicussion about one really nice natrual viv setup in the house?.. If she is to stay .. i think you've found your subject (keeping the small boa production theme in mind of course). its that or we should tailor things around here after this years charges and a couple of projects are gone....


10-19-03, 09:07 PM
Very nice Trevor,


McCarthy Boas
10-19-03, 09:09 PM
Hi Trevor

She looks very nice, I have one female that has the same color as yours.
Here are a few pics of her.

<img src="http://www.mccarthyboas.com/SandyEating.JPG">

<img src="http://www.mccarthyboas.com/SandyBigMama.JPG">

<img src="http://www.mccarthyboas.com/sandybranch.GIF">

<img src="http://www.mccarthyboas.com/Sandy02.jpg">

10-20-03, 04:38 AM
its that or we should tailor things around here after this years charges and a couple of projects are gone....
Well I already have one natural set up now and I don't have the time or space for a second so I guess it will have to be the latter suggestion. Now all we need is to find a sutable male that has been properly maintained all year with breeding in mind.
I'm going to try and have a more permanent cage built for her this weekend.

10-20-03, 07:14 PM
She looks great Trevor! :D Gorgeous colour... Congrats!

Dave G
10-20-03, 07:42 PM
Finding such a thing is definately a little easier said than done...we shall see

10-20-03, 07:54 PM
Wow! Beautiful boas guys! :)

10-20-03, 08:31 PM
Finding such a thing is definately a little easier said than done...we shall see
Well if everyone kept their males the way you keep your female we wouldn't even be having this conversation, we'd just be trying to figure how much to ask for the babies!
Not that that big stud you're using isn't capable or anything but maybe it's time we got our own male eh??? No chance of Mr. M reading this is there? I wouldn't want him to think I'm shooting down his "boy".

10-21-03, 10:11 AM
She's a great lookin girl!

10-21-03, 07:28 PM
I have one female that has the same color as yours.
What kind of lighting did you have for the indoor pics? They kinda look the same but there is some colour differences. Mine looks pretty different in real life. I'm just not sure how to get her colour to show in a pic. Any thoughts?

McCarthy Boas
10-21-03, 08:34 PM
Hi Trevor

I used the flash on my Sony FD Mavica digital camera and the florescent light in the cage.
I find the best pics I get are when I take them outside on a overcast day.

Take care,

10-21-03, 10:22 PM
Very nice boas guys!

10-22-03, 05:02 AM
Thanks for the tips Tom.