View Full Version : New Enclosure/wall unit

10-19-03, 03:41 PM
I bought this unit from Retic, he did all the work converting it into enclosures from the wall unit it once was. When I bought it it was woodgrain, I painted it all high gloss white, added the light in the enclosure to the right, changed the control panel a bit and added the handles on the bottom cupboards. It is the new home to 0.1 BP, 1.0 Albino Cal King, and 1.0 Ghost Corn.


10-19-03, 03:48 PM
That's a LOT of height for corns, kings or Balls. A LOT of height.

10-19-03, 04:01 PM
very nice! I agree, though, that is pretty tall for nonarboreal species..not that it really matters, unless they are neonates.

10-19-03, 04:04 PM
For the balls, definitely a bit high. For kings, meh... maybe too high. But corns WILL use height if you give it to them. They are semi-arboreal, and if you give 'em height and a climbing branch, I can guarantee you they will use it.

10-19-03, 04:11 PM
thats a good looking setup I would like to get something like that in the future

10-19-03, 04:27 PM
I agree Invictus. I forgot about corns. They love to climb (well, I don't know if they enjoy it, but it is an activity they do). I totally forgot about that. What a great snake they are. Nothing like a big 6-foot normal in a nice display cage. Corns are fun, no question. I kind of miss having them.

10-19-03, 04:40 PM
you did a really nice job painting the unit, what kind of paint did you use? i'm almost finished building 3 7ft JCP units and 6 BP units post pics when done

10-19-03, 04:46 PM
Very nice setup!


10-19-03, 04:49 PM
All 3 like to climb, I have added more climbing branches since I took this pic. I'm not too worried about them wasting the height, I have the temps measured on the bottom of the enclosures and dont really use the thermometers that are on the wall by the vents.

I used high gloss interior latex paint, like the kind you would use for baseboards and doors in your house. First with primer to make sure it would stick. I had to use plastic malemine paint on the sealed edges of the interior because the primer wouldnt stick, and then used the latex over top of that. Everything is washable and I let it dry in my garage for about a week before moving it inside.

10-19-03, 05:02 PM
I had a buddy years ago that kept his ball in a 5X2X5 with lots of studry branches used to climb all the time. There was a hole in one fo the branches where the mice would hide. he used to wrap around the treeand position his head under the hole then use his tail to pop out the mouse.

10-20-03, 08:29 AM
Nice unit! Those aren't speakers though, are they? Trying to figure out what the black blocks are :confused:

Originally posted by Derrick
I had a buddy years ago that kept his ball in a 5X2X5 with lots of studry branches used to climb all the time. .

In my experience, balls love to climb, some will even perch on on the branches like a little tree snake, but aren't the greatest at getting down....lol :rolleyes:

10-20-03, 02:14 PM
Yea they are speakers, never use them though, lol. When I use the stereo i usually use headphones so I dont bother my dad.

10-20-03, 04:29 PM
Looks pretty sharp! Good work Kathy & Retic

10-21-03, 04:12 PM
My ball loves to climb and curl up on a branch

The set up looks great.

10-21-03, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
What a great snake they are. Nothing like a big 6-foot normal in a nice display cage. Corns are fun, no question. I kind of miss having them.

But I bet you don't miss the smell of their poop. :D

You're right though, a normal corn (or any pattern morph) strewn about a climbing branch is such a heart-warming sight. Not to mention, isn't it amazing how corns do what you wish all of your other snakes would do... climb, adapt to almost any temp above 70 degrees, breed without brumation, eat like a machine, etc. :)