View Full Version : Adult Uromastyx cages

10-19-03, 02:02 PM
I have one uro now, and he has just reached the point where he needs a bigger enclosure. I was wondering what everyone else uses and if you have any suggestions for a final adult cage.

10-19-03, 02:21 PM
I used 3/4 inch melamine, it holds the heat good and they cant scratch it up with their claws. I have a 4' X 20" X 20" cage. Heres a pic


10-19-03, 03:24 PM
I use the same thing, almost. I used melamine with sliding plexi glass doors (i learned the hard way that they will claw the crap out of it so now im gonna have to get me some glass soon) My tank measures 4' x 1.5' x 1.5' and imo this is perfect for one uro at adult size. Im guessing you have a mali?

10-19-03, 05:37 PM
Bartman- If you dont wanna spend a fortune of glass just go to a hardware store and buy some mesh like mine, its $1 per foot. Then just use some wire cutters and a staple gun and your set.

10-19-03, 05:40 PM
how big is each square on ur mesh, like a quarter inch all around?

10-19-03, 05:42 PM
but actually wait i dont use a door i already made the setup with sliding glass so i dun know how i would make a door like you have :( i think im gonna have to get some glass, for now its fine with plexi but when ever my dad can get me glass im set, i have a large piece in my garage but i need to get it cut, thats the only thing im really waiting for just havnt done it yet

10-19-03, 09:51 PM
Yeah the holes are around a quarter inch, mesh is also fun for the uros, they always climb all over the walls.

10-20-03, 11:25 AM
i think i have a good idea on how to place the mesh on..thanks for the help :) ill take a picture as soon as its finished!

10-26-03, 01:53 PM
i keep mine in 5'by3'by2' cage with sand a couple hiding spots rocks and a couple live desert plants

10-27-03, 04:53 PM
For my U. ocellata I built this terrarium.


If you want to see how I made it, look here. (http://www.doornstaart.nl/diashow/ocellataterrarium.htm)

11-01-03, 03:46 PM
I think 48"X24"X24" is good size for adult uromastyx

11-01-03, 04:07 PM
how would a 5'x 18" x 2' do?

11-01-03, 05:07 PM
good in my opinion. Forsure good for one.