View Full Version : Travel Regulations..CRAP!

10-19-03, 09:38 AM
I have been talking to arboreal exotics and have found that she would be able to accomadate me and sell me an amabanja babe.. But one problem... look at these pet regulations... everything BUT reptiles...

Pets in the cabin:

Air Canada allows small household pets to travel in the cabin with the customer, provided they are in a kennel small enough to fit under the seat. Please note that:

requests to bring animals in the cabin must be made at time of booking;
the number of kennels accepted is limited by aircraft type;
the pet kennel is part of the carry-on baggage allowance and must conform to the carry-on size limitations of LxWxH - 55 cm x 40 cm x 23 cm maximum or 21 1/2 in x 15 1/2 in x 9 in maximum;
dimensions of the kennel must be given to the booking agent;
pets must remain in the kennel, under the seat, at all times
special service animals that assist customers with a disability are allowed in the cabin at no charge, provided they have a registered training certificate.
Reptiles (including snakes and lizards) and animals such as rats, mice, ferrets, weasels, etc. cannot be carried in the cabin.

I will give them a call...>( Any ideas..

10-19-03, 12:42 PM
That's dumb.

10-19-03, 06:42 PM
ya it is, there trying to say you can like have only dogs or cats...


10-20-03, 07:55 AM
You can ship chameleons via Air Canada but they will go in the cargo part of the plane not in the cabin. I believe your father is picking up the chameleon for you in TO right? If you know the flight number he will be on, call Air Canada Cargo and book a spot for the chameleon for the same flight. You should do this a few days in advance. If your father shows up with the chameleon without a prior booking for it, the chameleon may not get on the same flight. Also the chameleon needs to be dropped at the Air Canada Cargo area of the airport, not the regular people sign-in counter.

Of course proper packing of the chameleon for flight should be done. He should be in a small box such as a margarine container (with airholes) or the like. You can put a small stick in there for him to sit on. The smaller box should then be placed inside a larger box (with airholes) lined with styrofoam. You use shredded newspaper to pack the smaller container so it doesn't bounce around. Also considering the time of year, heat packs should be used in the larger box to keep the chameleon warm! When you call Air Canada and tell them you are shipping a live reptile, they can give you details/tips on how it should be packed.

I've had chameleons shipped from the west coast a few times via Air Canada. All were properly packaged and I had no problems with it.



10-21-03, 03:50 PM
Do you mean put the news paper shreddings in with the cham?

10-21-03, 04:48 PM
in the big box stuffed around the small box so it does not move

10-21-03, 04:52 PM
Do you mean put the news paper shreddings in with the cham?


You caught me. My brain is not fully functional first thing in the morning (if ever) and I usually have my coffee first, then reply to posts. In this case I didn't! LOL!

What I should have said or meant is place the shredded newpaper inside the larger box thus preventing the smaller container with the chameleon from being jostled around during shipping.

I hope this makes sense now!


10-21-03, 05:40 PM
lol i didnt catch that,:p but thats what i thought u were talking about.
Trace:What have you shipped??? pygm chams?


10-21-03, 06:28 PM
Trace:What have you shipped??? pygm chams?

You are asking me to think again aren't you? :p I don't even remember what I did 10 minutes ago let alone what I've done in previous months. Not the pygmy's anyways, but Dwarf Jacksons, Panthers, Veileds and various snakes to name a few.


10-21-03, 07:24 PM
Trace you have kept the Ch. t. j. merumontanous??? I LOVE those guys!!!


10-21-03, 11:19 PM
Trace you have kept the Ch. t. j. merumontanous???

You betcha! They were sexy little beasts. Unfortunately it was long before I ever owned a digicam or I'd post a few pics for you.

You know, the last few weeks I realized that I need a few horny (no pun intended) men in my life. I long for a regular Jacksons, the dwarf's again or some Johnstons. Something along those lines anyways.

