View Full Version : best dream i ever had!

10-19-03, 07:35 AM
i had the coolest dream last night, i dreamt that farkus had babies!

the weird thing is she gave live birth tail first, and one of the babies was axanthic, and another was an orange ghost. but the insanity doesnt stop there, she also gave birth to a wicked looking carpet python, green anole, and a lime green leopard gecko! thought it was pretty cool, she had a bunch of normals too. just though i would share, and no, im not on any medication.

10-19-03, 09:00 AM
haha...like the swan that lays golden eggs; the snake that lays green leopard geckos! if only snake birth was a grab-bag!

10-19-03, 09:39 AM
LOL! That's quite a dream you had there!

10-20-03, 09:57 AM
lol...Intresting...VEEERRRY intresting. But cool :)