View Full Version : Importing Chams from US

10-19-03, 12:51 AM
Does any one have any info on how to do this?
I have looked around like mad and am now very confused. I looked at CITES and the Gov of Canada website and there is no real proceidure listed does anyone happen to know anything about this???

10-19-03, 09:20 AM
Hmmmm thats an intresting questions, ive also wanted to import a cham here, but i didnt want to get into all that work finding out how to do it and stuff, Are you planning to get chams in the U.S?


10-19-03, 04:18 PM
I have been doing alot of thinking latly and would really like to bging up some not soo popular species to canada, there seemes to be many species in the us that we dont have acces too up here, soo i have been trying to find some info but I seem to be failing misuralbly lol

10-19-03, 04:27 PM
It depends on the chameleon and if they are appendix one or two. Then you or/and the exporter need to apply and qualify for permits.

Far as I know, it's pretty difficult to get those permits :S.


10-20-03, 08:08 AM
It's not difficult to get the permits, it's just time consuming! I've talked to some of the breeders in the US and most can not be bothered to do up the CITES paperwork for just one or two animals it's too costly. This is not the rule though. Best to inquire with the breeder themselves to see what their policies are.

Good luck! I too would like to see some of the wierder species up here as well.
